Archives and Manuscript Research
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Special Collections

Location: Fairchild-Martindale Library, 3rd floor North, Room 625 (until Linderman renovation is complete)
Monday - Friday
1 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment.

Lois Fischer Black, Curator
(610) 758-5185
Ilhan Citak, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
(610) 758-4506

Beginning Research

How to use Lehigh’s manuscripts and archival collections

OK. So you have in your hand a list of the documents you need, and you know where the repository is located. Are there special protocols you need to follow with these special manuscripts?

Yes. You can visit Lehigh’s special collections repositories on weekday afternoons, or you can place a request for the materials. Users with Lehigh IDs may place requests through this form: Request Form for Linderman/LMC Storage Item. Requested material is retrieved on a 24-hour notice with weekday delivery. Materials do not circulate and must be used in the Special Collections Reading Room.

Care should always be taken in handling manuscripts. When you are using original manuscripts within the repository, they are usually contained in an archival box with a finding aid to help you. Here are some guidelines (also available in PDF form by clicking here).

Guidelines for handling special collections materials

Next: using finding aids
