Archives and Manuscript Research
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Special Collections

Location: Fairchild-Martindale Library, 3rd floor North, Room 625 (until Linderman renovation is complete)
Monday - Friday
1 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment.

Lois Fischer Black, Curator
(610) 758-5185
Ilhan Citak, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
(610) 758-4506

The basics

You have a project. You know what your topic is. You are psyched (motivated, that is) to start. You know that to really explore this topic you should use primary source materials.

But where and how do you begin? What are the steps you take to do this kind of indepth search? Are there protocols for using these materials?

When doing this type of research you need to know some basics.

Source for definitions: ODLIS – Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Joan M. Reitz

Next: primary sources