Archives and Manuscript Research
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Special Collections

Location: Fairchild-Martindale Library, 3rd floor North, Room 625 (until Linderman renovation is complete)
Monday - Friday
1 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment.

Lois Fischer Black, Curator
(610) 758-5185
Ilhan Citak, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
(610) 758-4506

beginning research

One aspect of being an information literate student means that you understand the purpose of the information you need, and will be able to relate the information you find to what you already know.

That leads to the first steps in beginning your research, which is assessing what you know about the topic, determining what other types of information will be useful to develop your argument, and deciding what tools will help you find what you need.

When you complete this tutorial, you will be better able to locate and use archival materials by using specialized resources to identify what archives are available and where to find them. You will also learn the practices you will need to observe when using a manuscript or archive collection.

The next steps include:

Next: background information
