Archives and Manuscript Research
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Special Collections

Location: Fairchild-Martindale Library, 3rd floor North, Room 625 (until Linderman renovation is complete)
Monday - Friday
1 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment.

Lois Fischer Black, Curator
(610) 758-5185
Ilhan Citak, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
(610) 758-4506

The basics

Rules for Use of Materials by Readers
(document is available in PDF – click here)

1. The Special Collections Reading Room is open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except official University holidays. These hours are subject to occasional change.

2. Special Collections materials are available to anyone, whether affiliated with Lehigh University or not, who has a legitimate need for them.

3. No Special Collections material circulates. Readers must use all material in the reading room. This room can accommodate only a few users at a time but special arrangements can be made in other locations on campus for group and class visits.

4. When using material in the Reading Room for the first time, each reader must complete a registration form. In addition, readers must sign in and out each day.

5. Materials are brought to a reader only upon receipt of a properly filled out “Request” form. One printed copy of the form is retained in the material.

6. Material may be held in the reading room for repeated use, but after two weeks without access, it will be returned to the shelf.

7. Readers must leave all bulky coats and briefcases, purses, etc. with the librarian. The staff member on duty is the sole judge of what must be stored.

8. Only pencil may be used when taking notes.

9. Special Collections staff reserve the right to search a reader's personal belongings before his or her departure from the reading room.

10. Users are allowed to bring a laptop to the Reading Room for taking notes during their research.

11. Photocopying and scanning are done only by the staff. Use of digital camera is permitted at the discretion of the librarian.

12. No food or drink is allowed in the reading room.

13. Cell phones should be used outside of the reading room.

Next: beginning research