Archives and Manuscript Research
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Special Collections

Location: Fairchild-Martindale Library, 3rd floor North, Room 625 (until Linderman renovation is complete)
Monday - Friday
1 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment.

Lois Fischer Black, Curator
(610) 758-5185
Ilhan Citak, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
(610) 758-4506

Beginning Research

Using Library Catalogs

Doing research is easier than ever, now that the card catalogs of yesterday are replaced with 24/7 access to online library catalogs.

Resist the urge to use Google first—instead, take advantage of what Lehigh has to offer!

ASA, Lehigh University’s online catalog , is a good starting point. In the example above, the SC indicates that the materials are held in the Lehigh Special Collections department.

ASA can also be searched for primary sources and manuscripts using the ADVANCED search page. You can limit your search in ASA by including a range of dates to locate materials published or created during a specific period of time.

You can also limit your search to an Item Type of ROOM-USE. This will search only for materials that are part of Lehigh’s Special Collections.

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