Masashi Watanabe is an Associate Professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Lehigh University. Masashi's research emphasizes materials characterization using various electron microscopy approaches involving analysis via X-rays and energy-loss electrons in analytical electron microscopes (AEMs) and atomic-resolution high angle annular dark-filed (HAADF) imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEMs). He developed the z (zeta)-factor method for quantitative X-ray analysis and implemented multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) for spectrum images of X-rays and energy-loss electrons.
Masashi obtained his Ph.D. in Metallurgy from Kyushu University in 1996 and was a postdoctoral research associate at Lehigh until 1998. He was an associate professor at Research Laboratory for High Voltage Electron Microscopy in Kyushu. Then, Masashi returned to Lehigh University as a Research Scientist in 2001 and promoted to a Senior Research Scientist in 2004. In March 2007, Masashi joined to National Center for Electron Microscopy in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a Staff Scientist mainly assigned for analytical electron microscopy. At NCEM, Masashi also participated in the TEAM project. Masashi received the K.F.J. Heinrich young scientist award from the Microbeam Analysis Society in 2005 and the Kazato Prize from the Kazato Research Foundation in 2008. He has been a lecturer in the AEM course at the Lehigh Microscopy School since 2001 and in the Arizona State University Winter School on High Resolution Electron Microscopy since 2008. Masashi has published over 150 articles and Masashi's MSA plug-in package for Gatan DigitalMicrograph is now commercialized from HREM Research Inc. in 2009.