
Highlights of the Resume

Significant Recognition

Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), National Academy of Construction (NAC), Canadian Academy of Engineering, Mexican Academy of Engineering, Engineering Academy of Japan, Royal Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe, London), Romanian Academy, and Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences; 5 Honorary Doctorate Degrees at Universities in Belgium (Liège), Italy (Polytechnic of Milan), and Romania (Bucharest, Iaşi, and Timișoara); 14 Honorary Professorships and 6 Guest Professorships at Universities in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Dan M. Frangopol Medal for Life-cycle Engineering of Civil Structures, established by ASCE (2023, PDF)

ASCE Newmark, Freudenthal, Housner and Croes (twice) Medals; ASCE  Ang (inaugural), Howard, Moisseiff (twice), Lifetime Achievement Award in Education Outstanding Projects and Leaders (OPAL) Award, and State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering (three times) Awards; ASCE-AIME-ASME-IEEE-WSE Noble Prize (twice); ASCE Reese and Wellington (twice) Prizes; ISHMII Mufti Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Civil SHM; European Council on Computing in Construction (EC3) Thorpe Medal; ASCE Lehigh Valley Section’s Civil Engineer of the Year Award; IABSE Outstanding Paper Award (OPA); ELSEVIER Munro Prize; IABMAS Lin Medal (inaugural); IALCCE Khan Medal (inaugural); IASSAR Research Prize; EUROSTRUCT International Award of Merit; KAJIMA Research Award; IFIP Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems Award; SAE Distinguished Probabilistic Methods Educator Award (inaugural); AICPS Opera Omnia Award.

Distinguished Member of ASCE (the highest honor ASCE can bestow); Fellow of ACI, ASCE-EMI (inaugural), ASCE-SEI (inaugural), IABSE, SCHSM (formerly ISHMII), and JSPS; Honorary Member of the Romanian Association of Structural Design Engineers (AICPS).

Ranked as the 10th most-cited civil engineering author in the August 2019 Stanford University worldwide citation survey published in PLOS, based on the Scopus citation data for 6 million scientists in 22 major fields and 176 sub-fields; the survey calculated citations deposited in Mendeley Data during the period 1996-2018 and ranked and sorted 100,000 scientists by a composite point index excluding self-citations. Ranked No. 1 (Lehigh University), No. 45 (United States), and No. 95 (World) on April 6, 2022, by on the list of top scientists in Engineering and Technology; position in the ranking was based on a meticulous examination of nearly 11,000 scientists on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph by December 6th 2021. With an h-index of 105, an i10-index of 501, and more than 41,500 citations (Google Scholar, March 20, 2025) his work has left an indelible mark on the field of structural engineering.

Lehigh University Awards: Hillman Faculty Award; Eleanor and Joseph F. Libsch Research Award; Hillman Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising; P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science's Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Leadership Award; Lynn S. Beedle Distinguished Civil and Environmental Engineering Award (the CEE Department's highest recognition).

University of Colorado Awards: Boulder Faculty Assembly’s Excellence in Research, Scholarly and Creative Work Award; College of Engineering and Applied Science’s Faculty Research Award; Clarence L. Eckel Faculty Prize for Excellence; Distinguished Achievement Award; Research Development Award (twice); Teaching Award; Service Award.

Special issue of peer reviewed journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering in honor of Dan M. Frangopol (2026, in progress).

Plenary and keynote lectures at over 70 international congresses, conferences, symposia and workshops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and New Zealand.

According to ASCE (2012) “Dan M. Frangopol is a preeminent authority in bridge safety and maintenance management, structural systems reliability, and life-cycle civil engineering. His contributions have defined much of the practice around design specifications, management methods, and optimization approaches. From the maintenance of deteriorated structures and the development of system redundancy factors to assessing the performance of long-span structures, Dr. Frangopol’s research has not only saved time and money, but very likely also saved lives… Dr. Frangopol is a renowned teacher and mentor to future engineers.” He is also “widely recognized as a leading educator and creator in the field of life-cycle engineering.” (ASCE 2015). “Frangopol’s groundbreaking research into infrastructure from a holistic perspective has earned him a reputation in the civil engineering community” as the “Father of Life-Cycle Analysis.” (ASCE 2020).

Significant Professional Service

Founding President of the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) with more than 2,300 individual members and over 100 collective members from 77 countries and 14 national groups; Founding President of the International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE) with more than 940 members and 33 collective members from 65 countries and one national group; Founding Vice-President of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII); Honorary President of 7 National Groups of IABMAS (USA, Brazil, Chile, Korea, Italy, Sri Lanka, and Turkey) and of the IALCEE-Dutch Group; Honorary Member of 5 National Groups of IABMAS (Australia, China, Japan, Portugal, and Spain).

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering; Founder and Editor of the book series Structures and Infrastructures.

Past Chair of the Technical Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE; Past Vice- President of the International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability (IASSAR) and Past Chair of the Executive Board of IASSAR; Past Vice-President of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) of ASCE and Past Member of its Board of Governors; Past Chair of IABSE Commission 1 on Structural Performance, Safety and Analysis; Past Chair of IFIP WG 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems; Founder and Inaugural Chair of the Technical Council on Life-Cycle Performance, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structural Systems; Past Chair of the ASCE Administrative Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability; Past Chair of IASSAR Awards Committee; Past-Chair of the ASCE Committees on Safety of Buildings, Safety of Bridges, and Optimal Structural Design; Past Chair of the TRB Subcommittee on Methods of Analyzing Steel Bridges; Past-Chair of the ACI Subcommittee on Existing Structures of Committee 348 on Structural Safety.

Appreciation in Recognition of Distinguished Service to Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) as the Vice-President and Member of the Board of Governors; ASCE Distinguished Service Appreciation as Chair of the Technical Division Executive Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI); IABMAS Special Service Award.

Initiator and Organizer of the Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series at Lehigh University (2007-2024), hosted 64 Distinguished Speakers from USA, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, and Switzerland.

Technical consultant or advisor to companies, organizations and government agencies in the United States, Asia, and Europe.


Member of National Academies and Academy of Europe

Dan M. Frangopol Medal for Life-Cycle Engineering of Civil Structures, ASCE

Honorary Doctorate Degrees

Distinguished Member

Honorary Member

Honorary Technical Advisor

Foreign or Corresponding Member, Foreign Associate and International Fellow

Founding President

Founding Vice President

Vice President

Honorary President

Honorary Professorships

Adjunct Professorships

Guest Professorships


Professional Appointments

Visiting Professor, Scientist and Researcher


Author or co-author of 5 books, 70 book chapters, over 500 articles in refereed journals, more than 700 papers in conference proceedings, and over 100 technical reports. Editor or co-editor of 59 books published by ASCE, Balkema, CIMNE, CRC Press, Elsevier, McGraw-Hill, Taylor &Francis, and Thomas Telford. Guest editor or co-editor of 30 special issues of refereed journals.

Research and Consulting

Research Supervision/Advising

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