Press Release
- Prof. Dan Frangopol elected to National Academy of Engineering (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert, PDF2), February 17, 2025
- Four with ties to CU elected to 2025 class of National Academy of Engineering (University of Colorado Boulder), February 25, 2025
- Frangopol and Sause receive 2024 Beedle Awards (PCREAS News, PDF), January 24, 2025
- CEE Prof. Frangopol and alum Kim'11 PhD co-authored third book on structural performance (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert, PDF2), December 11, 2024
- CEE team wins 2024 Alfred Noble Prize for work on optimizing bridge maintenance (Xu Han ’23 PhD and Prof. Dan M. Frangopol receive interdisciplinary honor for innovative life-cycle approach for infrastructure facing multi-hazard risks) (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert!, PDF2), July 22, 2024
- Frangopol to receive honorary doctorate from Romanian university (PCREAS News, PDF1, EMI, PDF2), April 2024
- Frangopol Medal Established (ASCE Lehigh Valley Section, PDF, December 2023)
- Civil engineering society established medal to honor Frangopol (CU Boulder, PDF, November 27, 2023)
- Dan M. Frangopol has been honored by the Society with the establishment of the honor in his name (Civil Engineering Source, ASCE's News and Information Hub, November 16, 2023; STRUCTURE, November 2023)
- ASCE establishes Dan M. Frangopol Medal for Life-Cycle Engineering of Civil Structures (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert!, PDF2, November 14, 2023)
- Frangopol wins Inaugural EuroStruct International Award of Merit (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert!, PDF2, October 12, 2023)
- Frangopol to deliver Univ. of Arizona's Kececioglu Memorial Lecture (PCREAS News, PDF, September 22, 2023)
- Frangopol elected into Academy of Engineering of Mexico (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekaAlert!, PDF2, July 18, 2023)
- Frangopol contributes expertise to update of AASHTO bridge evaluation manual (PCREAS News, PDF, July 11, 2023)
- Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (PDF), Vision Journal Italy, June 2023
- 2023 Fazlur Rahman Khan Distinguished Lecture Series to feature 3 NAE members (PCREAS News, PDF1, February 6, 2023)
- Journal of Bridge Engineering highlights CEE team’s paper as Editor’s Choice (PCREAS News, PDF, January 20. 2023)
- U.S. DOT highlights Lehigh research on use of corrosion-resistant steel in extending lifespan of bridges (PCREAS News, PDF, January 18, 2023)
- Locally Sourced Corrosion-Resistant Steel May Minimize Maintenance Costs and Extend Life-Cycle of Bridge Networks (U.S. Department of Transportation, PDF, PDF1, Quarterly, Issue 1, January 2023)
- Paper on Risk-informed Optimal Bridge Maintenance Strategy Selected as Editor’s Choice (PCREAS News, PDF, December 29, 2022)
- Frangopol honored with European Council on Computing in Construction Thorpe Medal (PCREAS News, PDF1, July 25, 2022; EurekaAlert!, PDF2)
- Frangopol elected into Canadian Academy of Engineering as International Fellow (PCREAS News, PDF1, PDF2, June 13, 2022; EurekaAlert!, PDF3)
- Frangopol has co-authored two papers recognized with 2022 ASCE awards (PCREAS News, PDF1, May 31, 2022; EurekaAlert!, PDF2; ASCE News, PDF3, PDF4, June 23, 2022)
- Frangopol among top 100 leading scientists worldwide in engineering and technology (PCREAS News, PDF, PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, April 6, 2022)
- Lehigh, UCLA help ASCE curate a ‘life-cycle engineering reader’ in bridge asset management (PCREAS News, PDF1, January 31, 2022; EurekaAlert!, PDF2; January 31, 2022)
- Bridge Asset Management Collection (ASCE Library, PDF, January 21, 2022)
- Speakers named for Spring 2022 Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series (PCREAS News, PDF, January 13, 2022)
- New book examines life-cycle bridge performance and cost management (EurekaAlert!, PDF, January 3, 2022)
- CEE Prof. Frangopol and alum Kim ’11 PhD co-author new book on life-cycle engineering (PCREAS News, PDF, EERI, PDF1, December 30, 2021)
- Frangopol to deliver inaugural J. R. Choudhury Annual Memorial Lecture (PCREAS News, PDF, Facebook, JPG, November 21, 2021)
- Speakers set for Fall 2021 Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series (PCREAS News, PDF, October 4, 2021)
- Frangopol co-chairs IABMAS 2020 Online (PCREAS News, PDF, May 20, 2021)
- Lehigh University team uses locally sourced corrosion-resistant steel to minimize maintenance costs and extend life cycle of bridges (CIAMTIS Newsletter Spring 2021, PDF)
- Aftab Mufti Life-Time Achievement Award honours three globally respected leaders in the field of structural health monitoring (SHM), The Monitor, Summer/Fall 2021 (PDF)
- Frangopol awarded 2021 ISHMII Mufti Medal for lifetime achievement in civil structural health monitoring (PCREAS News, PDF, March 5, 2021; ACI, Concrete International, PDF, May 2021; EMI, PDF, May 2021; IABSE, PDF, March 2021; EurekaAlert!, PDF, June 22, 2021 ); Award Ceremony Slides (PDF), Acceptance Remarks (Youtube)
- 2021 Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series speakers announced (PCREAS News, PDF, February 1, 2021)
- New ASCE Book Highlights Cutting-Edge Research Into Life-Cycle Concepts (ASCE News, PDF, August 12, 2020)
- Engineering Academy of Japan elects Dan Frangopol as foreign associate (PCREAS News, PDF1, EurekAlert!, PDF2, July 20, 2020; EERI, PDF, May 15, 2021; EMI, PDF, May 2021)
- Dan Frangopol elected to National Academy of Construction (EERI, PDF, September 1, 2020; ACI, Concrete Internatiional, PDF, September 2020; IABSE Newsletter, PDF, September 2020)
- Frangopol elected to National Academy of Construction (PCREAS News, PDF, PDF1, May 22, 2020)
- Dan M. Frangopol elected to National Academy of Construction (EurekAlert!, PDF, May 22, 2020)
- Dan Frangopol winner of the Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science's 2020 Excellence in Research Scholarship and Leadership Award (PCREAS News, YouTube, PDF, May 20, 2020)
- ASCE honors Dan Frangopol with 2020 Reese Research Prize (EERI, PDF, June 1, 2020; ACI, Concrete International, PDF, June 2020)
- ASCE honors Dan Frangopol, Yan Liu with 2020 Raymond C. Reese Research Prize (EurekAlert!, PDF, May 5, 2020)
- ASCE honors Frangopol, Liu with 2020 Reese Research Prize (Lehigh PCRES News, PDF, YouTube, YouTube1, April 30, 2020)
- Liu and Frangopol Awarded with Reese Prize (ASCE News, PDF, March 29, 2020)
- Awards and Recognition – Dan Frangopol (ISHMII Newsletter – The Monitor, PDF. Summer 2020)
- Frangopol is the recipient of the 2020 Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal, and Frangopol and Liu are the recipients of the ASCE 2020 Reese Research Prize (IABSE Newsletter, PDF, May 2020)
- Frangopol awarded the 2020 Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal (EERI, PDF, April 15, 2020)
- Board Member receives Prestigious Award (Engineering Structures, Elsevier, PDF, April 2020)
- Frangopol Honored with Freudenthal Medal (ASCE News, PDF, April 13, 2020)
- ASCE/EMI awards Dan M. Frangopol 2020 Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal (EurekAlert!, PDF, April 3, 2020)
- ASCE/EMI awards Frangopol 2020 Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal (Lehigh PCRES News, PDF, April 2, 2020); Award Ceremony Slide (PDF), Acceptance Remarks (Youtube)
- Continued recognition for CEE’s Dan Frangopol: Authority on life-cycle engineering ranked 10th in CivE in worldwide citation study, named honorary president of IABMAS-USA (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, February 3, 2020)
- A grounded approach to skyscraper design (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, January 31, 2020)
- ASCE Society President-Elect Jean-Louis Briaud Visits Lehigh University (I-CPIE, PDF, Lehigh University, January 2, 2020)
- A Strong Showing in Miami for Lehigh's Civil and Environmental Engineering Program (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, October 24, 2019)
- Reliable, Robust and Resilient Structures - The State of the Art and Practice of Life-Cycle Engineering: An Exclusive Conversation with Dan M. Frangopol, Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Website1, Website2, PDF, Strutture / Life-Cycle Engineering: Lezioni Americane, leStrade, October 2019 issue, number 1551 - year CXXI, pages 10-17, Casa Editrice La Fiaccola, Milan, Italy)
- Predicting the impact of climate change on bridge safety (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, EurekAlert!, October 8, 2019)
- Bridging the gap (Rossin Connection, October 8, 2019)
- Professor Dan Frangopol, CEE alum celebrate new book (PCREAS, PDF, August 9, 2019)
- Dan M. Frangopol Publishes Book on Life-Cycle of Fatigue-Sensitive Civil and Marine Structures (I-CPIE, Lehigh University, August 9, 2019, PDF)
- Frangopol honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers (EERI, PDF, July 1, 2019)
- Dan M. Frangopol awarded 2019 George W. Housner Structural Control and Monitoring Medal (EurekAlert!, PDF, June 17, 2019); Award Ceremony Slide (PDF)
- Frangopol awarded 2019 George W. Housner Structural Control and Monitoring Medal (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, Monitor, June 17, 2019)
- Engineering faculty honored with 2019 Lehigh University Awards (Lehigh PCREAS New, June 5, 2019)
- CivE alum to discuss bridge quality control (Lehigh PCREAS News, March 25, 2019, PDF)
- Faculty Recognition (Rossin Connection, February 2019, PDF)
- A storied career in skyscraper engineering (Lehigh PCREAS News, February 25, 2019, PDF)
- Getting a better read on tornado wind speeds (Lehigh PCREAS News, January 15, 2019, PDF)
- U.S. DOT announces $7.7 million for first round of Regional University Transportation Center Grants (U.S. DOT, PDF, June 12, 2018)
- Lehigh Engineers Among Group Awarded $2.5 Million Federal Transportation Grant (Lehigh University News Center, PDF, PDF, June 27, 2018)
- Managing risk from natural disasters and climate change (Lehigh Research Review, PDF, PDF, Vol. 3, 2018)
- Got a coastal bridge to retrofit? There's an optimal approach for that (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, February 8, 2018)
- Got a coastal bridge to retrofit? There's an optimal approach for that (EurekAlert!, PDF, February 7, 2018)
- Frangopol's contribution (highlighted) to the article "Life-Cycle Cost Analysis: Shifting the Engineering Calculus", Presented by ASCE Industry Leaders Council, (Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE, February 2018, PDF)
- A century later, Beedle's legacy lives on (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, December 7, 2017)
- Frangopol's contribution (highlighted) to the article "Meeting ASCE's Grand Challenge: Performance-Based Standards", Presented by ASCE Industry Leaders Council, (Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE, December 2017, PDF)
- Identifying optimal adaptation of buildings threatened by hurricanes, climate change (EurekAlert!, PDF, November 27, 2017)
- Identifying optimal adaptation of buildings threatened by hurricanes, climate change (Lehigh PCREAS News, PDF, November 28, 2017)
- CEE's Frangopol named to Romanian Academy (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, August 7, 2017)
- Dan Frangopol elected to the Romanian Academy. The honor is the third academic accolade in two years for the lifecycle engineering pioneer. (Lehigh University News Center, PDF; Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, August 2, 2017)
- Dan Frangopol named Engineer of Year by Lehigh Valley ASCE (Lehigh University News Center, PDF, May 19, 2017)
- Frangopol named Lehigh Valley ASCE Civil Engineer of the Year (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, May 12, 2017)
- Frangopol Recognized by Lehigh Valley ASCE as the Civil Engineer of the Year 2016 (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, May 5, 2017)
- International leadership and recognition (Resolve: A Focus on Lehigh Engineering, Vol 1, 2017, Page 4, PDF, Lehigh Website, PDF)
- Frangopol's contribution (highlighted) to the article "Assessing Infrastructure's True Costs," Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE, March 2017, PDF
- Dan Frangopol Is Elected to the Royal Academy of Belgium (Lehigh University News Center, PDF, December 13, 2016)
- Dan M. Frangopol, Sc.D., P.E., F.EMI, Dist.M.ASCE, Elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium (EMI eNewsletter, PDF, December 2016)
- Frangopol Elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, November 22, 2016)
- CEE's Dan Frangopol elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, November 25, 2016)
- Announcement from the CEE Department and ATLSS Engineering Research Center regarding Dr. Dan Frangopol (PDF, November 2016)
- Dan M. Frangopol receives the ASCE Alfredo Ang Award (EMI eNewsletter, IABSE Newsletter, September 2016)
- Frangopol Earns First Ever ASCE Alfredo Ang Award (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, August 6, 2016)
- Frangopol to Receive the Inaugural ASCE Alfredo Ang Award (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, July 29, 2016)
- Distinguished Member Honored with Alfredo Ang Award on Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure (ASCE News, PDF, July 1, 2016)
- Dan Frangopol Receives Multiple International Honors (ASCE, SEI Update, PDF, July 2016)
- Taking the Long View on Infrastructure (Lehigh University News Center, June 13, 2016, PDF)
- Dan M. Frangopol, Sc.D., P.E., F.SEI, F.EMI, Dist.M.ASCE, Elected as a Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea (EMI eNewsletter, PDF, June 2016)
- Frangopol Takes the Long View on Civil and Marine Infrastructure (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, May 26, 2016)
- Frangopol Acknowledged Internationally for Pioneering Life-Cycle Engineering (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, May 26, 2016)
- Laurea Magistrale ad honorem in Civil Engineering (PDF), Honorary Doctorate at Politecnico di Milano, Program of the Ceremony (PDF1; PDF2; PDF3), Milan, Italy, April 11, 2016
- Frangopol wins NSF award on life-cycle management of civil infrastructure (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, February 26, 2016)
- Noble Profession Takes Center Stage at OPAL Gala (ASCE News, PDF, March 18, 2016)
- 2016 OPAL Winners Take Delight in Making A Difference; Gala to Celebrate Honorees (ASCE News, PDF, February 5, 2016)
- Pioneer of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Honored with 2016 OPAL for Education (ASCE News, PDF, January 28, 2016)
- Pioneering Life-Cycle, Resolve - A focus on Lehigh Engineering, Vol. 1, 2016, p.13 (PDF)
- Evaluating the Life Cycle Cost of Steel Bridges (PITA Newsletter, PDF, Spring 2016)
- Life Cycle Performance of Civil Structure and Infrastructure Systems (ASCE, Structural Engineering News, PDF, January 21, 2016)
- Frangopol to Receive ASCE Lifetime Achievement Award (EERI The Pulse of Earthquake Engineering, PDF, January 1, 2016)
- Frangopol Awarded Contract to Help Solve the ASCE Grand Challenge (Lehigh CEE News & Events, PDF, December 20, 2015)
- ASCE's 2016 OPAL Award Recipients Span Engineering Excellence (ASCE News, PDF, December 2, 2015); ASCE honors five living legends of engineering with 2016 OPAL awards (ASCE News, PDF, December 2, 2015)
- Life-Cycle Engineering Pioneer Receives 2016 OPAL for Education (ASCE News, PDF, December 1, 2015)
- Survey and Workshop on Life Cycle Performance of Civil Structure and Infrastructure Systems (ASCE, Structural Engineering News, PDF, September 21, 2015)
- Frangopol Receives ASCE's OPAL Award for Lifetime Achievement in Education (CEE Feature, PDF, September 16, 2015)
- Professor Dan Frangopol Receives Lifetime Achievement Award (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF, September 16, 2015)
- Number One Across the Disciplines (Lehigh University News Center, July 6, 2015; CEE Feature; Lehigh PCREAS News Center, PDF)
- CEE Student Wins CERRA Award (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, March 12, 2015, PDF; Twitter)
- Frangopol Elected VP of Engineering Mechanics Institute (Lehigh University News Center, February 26, 2015; Lehigh Today, February 26, 2015, PDF)
- Lehigh Professor Named VP of Engineering Mechanics Institute (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, February 27, 2015; Twitter)
- ASCE Journal Features Soliman/Frangopol Paper as Research Highlight (Lehigh CEE News Center, January 30, 2015, PDF)
- Dan Frangopol elected vice president of the Engineering Mechanics Institute of ASCE, to serve through Sept. 30, 2015 (Lehigh CEE Twitter, December 11, 2014)
- Frangopol, Students Garner International Acclaim (CEE E-Newsletter, November 24, 2014)
- Inside Emerging Probability-Based Redundancy Modeling Tools (Engineering News Record, November 3, 2014)
- Dan Frangopol commentary on his bridge redundancy work at Lehigh featured in the Nov. 3 issue of ENR (Lehigh CEE Twitter, November 19, 2014)
- Dan M. Frangopol and His Advisees Awarded the ASCE 2014 J. James R. Croes Medal (Member Spotlight, The Pulse of Earthquake Engineering, EERI, PDF, October 1, 2014)
- Team of Engineers Honored with ASCE's J. James R. Croes Medal (ASCE News, PDF, May 22, 2014)
- ASCE awarded the 2014 J. James R. Croes Medal to ACI member Dan Frangopol (Concrete International, November 2014)
- The ASCE has Awarded the 2014 J. James R. Croes Medal to Dan Frangopol (News from Members, IABSE Newsletter 2014/09)
- Visit of Prof. DHC Dan Frangopol in Romania (Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania, Univers Ingineresc nr 13/2014,/ PDF)
- Professor Dan Frangopol honored by universities in Romania and China (Lehigh CEE News Center, July 10, 2014, PDF)
- Dan Frangopol's lecture at the Romanian Academy - Timișoara Section (Video in Romanian, June 16, 2014)
- 2014 J. James R. Croes Medal recipients (ASCE, Engineering Mechanics Institute, June 17, 2014)
- Grad students, professor win a top civil engineering prize (Lehigh University News Center, June 4, 2014, PDF)
- Frangopol, Ph.D. advisees awarded Croes Medal by ASCE (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, June 4, 2014, PDF)
- Graduate students, Frangopol earn top ASCE Honor (Lehigh CEE News Center, June 4, 2014, PDF)
- Dan Frangopol and grad students win prestigious Croes Medal for 2013 (Lehigh CEE News Center, Twitter, June 4, 2014)
- Team of Engineers Honored with ASCE’s J. James R. Croes Medal (ASCE News, May 22, 2014, PDF)
- Intellectual infrastructure for structural engineers (Resolve, Vol. 2, 2013, Only the Article)
- Dan Frangopol named honorary professor by two Chinese universities (Lehigh University News Center, December 4, 2013, CEE News Center, Twitter, PDF)
- Rare Air: Origins of the Council On Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (December 2, 2013, Lehigh University News Center (PDF), CEE News Center)
- Honors for Frangopol at top Chinese universities (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, December 5, 2013, Twitter)
- The Freedom Tower -- and its ties to Lehigh University (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, December 5, 2013, PDF)
- 2014 FRK Distinguished Lecture Series lineup announced (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, December 5, 2013, PDF, Twitter)
- New Governance, Frangopol named to top posts at ASCE, IASSAR (CEE Department Website August 22, 2013, PDF, Twitter)
- CEE professor Dan Frangopol named to top posts at ASCE, IASSAR (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, August 7, 2013 also on Twitter, PDF)
- CEE professor Dan Frangopol: Advocate for structural life-cycle management (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, May, 2013, PDF)
- Lehigh staff and faculty honored for leadership and service (May 1, 2013, PDF)
- The Structural Network, Lehigh Professor Dan Frangopol is connecting researchers around the world to study life-cycle engineering of structural systems (April 5, 2013, PDF, also on Twitter)
- Frangopol and Ph.D. advisee promote structural life-cycle management (March 29, 2013, PDF, also on Twitter)
- 2013 Khan Distinguished Lecture Series to kick off this month (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, February 6, 2013, PDF, Twitter)
- Frangopol honored for promoting advancement of life-cycle engineering (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, December 14, 2012, Lehigh Engineers, Winter 2012, PDF)
- Frangopol receives inaugural award for life-cycle engineering (November 29, 2012, also on Twitter, PDF)
- Accolades (CEE Connections, Vol. 3, 2012, PDF)
- When life-cycle equals life-saving (Resolve, Vol. 2, 2012, Only the Article, also on Twitter)
- Paper by Dan Frangopol and PhD students Decò, Okasha cited and archived with 2011's best by SNAME (October 23, 2012)
- International honors in life-cycle engineering (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, September 21, 2012, Lehigh Engineers, Fall 2012, PDF)
- A renaissance for American manufacturing (August 24, 2012)
- A conversation with Dan Frangopol (June 8, 2012, PDF)
- Accolades for life-cycle engineer (Lehigh PCREAS News Center, May 10, 2012, PDF)
- Frangopol, former Ph.D. student win prestigious civil engineering award (May 15, 2012)
- Dr. Fazlur R. Khan (1929 - 1982): Engineering Pioneer of Modern Architecture (August 31, 2011, PDF, October 31, 2011)
- Two top Chinese research universities award Frangopol honorary professorships (August 22, 2011, PDF)
- Frangopol Cited for Global Impact on Engineering: The Structural Engineer Receives Honorary Professorships from Two Top Chinese Universities (August 19, 2011)
- Dan M. Frangopol Named Honorary Professor of Tianjin University (June 16, 2011, PDF)
- Dan M. Frangopol Named Honorary Professor of Southeast University (June 13, 2011, PDF)
- Back to Bethlehem: Where it all began... (CTBUH, April 2011, PDF)
- People and Firms, Modern Steel Construction (MSC) (MSC, April 2011)
- 2011 FRK Series to explore cutting-edge tech for resilient buildings and cities (February 10, 2011, PDF)
- Fazlur Rahman Khan-The Einstein of Structural Engineering (STRUCTURE Magazine of ASCE, February 2011, PDF)
- Dan M. Frangopol inducted as an ASCE Distinguished Member (CTBUH, January 25, 2011, PDF)
- Lehigh assembles the world's bridge experts (August 6, 2010, PDF)
- IABMAS2010 A Huge Success! (ATLSS, August 2010, PDF)
- Society Pays Tribute to Engineering Luminaries (ASCE News, July/August 2010)
- ASCE Elects to Distinguished Membership 13 Eminent Civil Engineers (ASCE, June 2010, PDF)
- SEI Honors Newly Elected Distinguished Member (Structure Magazine, June 2010, PDF)
- 2010 Class of ASCE Distinguished Members (ASCE News, May 2010, PDF)
- Lehigh University Professor Receives Top Honor From National Civil Engineering Society (ASCE, May 25, 2010)
- Frangopol earns ASCE top honor for contributions to "life-cycle engineering" (April 23, 2010, PDF)
- Dan M. Frangopol received the lifetime title of Honorary Professor of Tongji University in China (EERI Newsletter December 2009 Volume 43, Number 12)
- Dan M. Frangopol Named Honorary Professor of Tongji University (December 2009, PDF)
- A lifetime of research in life-cycle engineering (October 27, 2009, PDF)
- Dr. Frangopol was Awarded Honorary Professor of Tongji (Tongji University, October 1, 2009, PDF)
- Graduate student wins international award in bridge engineering (August 10, 2009, PDF)
- Chinese Bridge Project spans disciplines, cultures and history (June 22, 2009, PDF)
- Muslim engineer cited by Obama has enduring legacy at Lehigh (June 15, 2009, PDF)
- President Obama recognizes CTBUH Former Chair Dr. Fazlur Rahman Khan (June 5, 2009, PDF)
- Frangopol to receive ISHMII Fellowship (February 17, 2009, PDF)
- Frangopol awarded honorary doctorate (May 29, 2008, PDF)
- Doctor Honoris Causa 2008 - Dan Frangopol (March 20, 2008, PDF)
- IABSE 2006 Outstanding Paper Award (October 4, 2007, PDF)
- Frangopol to receive coveted ASCE Award (April 10, 2007, PDF)
- Designing "cities in the sky" (Spring 2007, PDF)
- About the Fazlur Rahman Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture (Spring 2007 - Updated in 2010, PDF)
- Dan Frangopol appointed to Khan Chair (Fall 2006, PDF)
- Frangopol Awarded Newmark Medal (EERI Newsletter, May 2005 Volume 39, Number 5)
- Dan M. Frangopol awarded the Nathan M. Newmark medal (Engineering Structures, PDF, 27, 2005)