Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Glass
Now accepting applications for 2014

Two REU Participants taking a break from making glass at Lehigh University
The purpose of the REU in Glass summer program is to introduce US undergraduate students to the opportunities in glass research through active involvement at a world class glass research facility, either in the US or abroad.
Funding for this program comes from the National Science Foundation, which has set the following requirements:
- Applicant must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
- Applicant must be enrolled in an undergraduate program and majoring in science and engineering
- A minimum GPA of 3.5 is recommended
- Laboratory, computer and other related experience will certainly be considered.
- Participants will be selected on the basis of academic merits, faculty reference(s) and suitability to the hosting program.
- Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.
Domestic REU Summer Program
Main REU program is held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
There are also limited opportunities at Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802
May 27 - August 1, 2014 (10 weeks)
$550 per week.
All non local REU participants at Lehigh University will be provided housing with the Physics REU students.
- Complete and submit REU application form online. APPLY ONLINE NOW >
or download Domestic REU Application Form 2014
- Copy of your college transcript.
copy or "unofficial" university transcript is acceptable however, in the event you are made an offer, an ORIGINAL University Transcript will be required.
- Letter of recommendation from your advisor / faculty referee
- (Optional) Copy of current resume / CV in support of your application
We encourage you to apply online, however application forms can be completed. In both instances transcripts and letter of recommendation may be sent at a later date, but must be received by the deadline date.
Deadline is March 7, 2014.
NO applicant will be considered for any placement until ALL the documentation listed above has been received.
Initial placements may begin prior to this deadline, so please apply early.
If not applying online, if possible, please e-mail application form as word doc to
Letter of recommendation: This letter should be on University headed paper & signed. Your adviser can send letter as pdf copy directly to the IMI-NFG by e-mail to or mail to the address below.
Any ORIGINAL Transcripts must be sent in a sealed envelope to address below:
Mailing address: International Materials Institute,
Lehigh University,
Sinclair Lab 120,
7 Asa Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015.
Deadline February 7, 2014.
The IMI participates as a sponsor organziation for a limited number of International REU experiences in glass-related research each summer. Generally IMI is not in a position to make placements, but expect a faculty member at the student's home institution to assist in proposing and facilitating the international REU for their student. Essentially the home faculty should propose the framework for the Internatiuonal research experience. IMI will provide the financial support required for the student(s) to travel abroad and undertake / participate in a glass-related research experience.
For highly qualified students without home faculty international connections, IMI may have a very limited number of openings.
International REU programs should be 10 weeks in duration and take place around the same time as the domestic program (May 27 - August 1, 2014). However depending on the host affiliation, it may be necessary for the start/end dates to be shifted slightly to earlier or later dates.
Weekly Stipend: $550 per week (as for the domestic REU program). This will be paid every 2 weeks into the participants US bank account.
Travel: IMI will support the cost of travel (as per NSF guidelines) from the participants home institution to the host institution abroad. (Flight and ground transportation to and from airport)
Accommodation: IMI will support all reasonable housing costs (as per NSF guidelines) for the duration of the REU placement. This will be in the form of a reimbursement to the participant. (receipts required).
Visas / Insurance: International REU participants will be responsible for the organization and any costs associated with VISA application (if applicable) and travel/medical insurance when abroad.
- Download and complete International REU Application Form 2014.
E-mail to Bill Heffner at (Online application is not possible)
If you are wanting to apply for both domestic and international REU placements you MUST complete the INTERNATIONAL REU Application Form. Be sure to check the appropriate box on this application form to indicate you would like to be considered for the domestic program as well.
- Transcript. A
copy or "unofficial" university transcript is acceptable.
However, in the event you are made an offer, an ORIGINAL University Transcript will be required.
- Letter of recommendation from your advisor / faculty referee
- (Optional) Copy of current resume / CV in support of your application
Transcripts and letter of recommendation may be sent at a later date, but must be received by the deadline date.
Deadline for application form and initial proposal is February 7, 2014.
Send application form as word doc to Bill Heffner at or mail printed copy to address below. Copies/unoffical transcripts can also be e-mailed to or mailed.
Letter of recommendation: Please ask your adviser to send letter as pdf by e-mail (ensure he/she writes name of applicant in subject bar) directly to or mail to the address below.
Please arrange for ORIGINAL Transcripts to be sent in a sealed envelope to address below.
Mailing address: Attention
Bill Heffner,
(International REU
International Materials Institute,
Lehigh University,
Sinclair Lab 116,
7 Asa Drive,
Bethlehem, PA 18015.
Other Information
Frequently Asked Questions>
If you are not able to find the answer to your questions on our FAQ page, please e-mail us at or call 610-758-1112 for help.