Conferences and Seminars
IMI-NFG supported Glass Courses 2014-2015
The IMI-NFG will be offering a new course in Spring 2015 on Processing in Glass. Check details as they evolve in Glass Processing Course Plans
Upcoming Glass Related Events
Past IMI-NFG sponsored Conferences and Events
Interactive Web Courses
Atomistic Modeling of Glass Structure & Glass Properties
Fall Semester 2013
This 8 week course provides a comprehensive introduction into atomistic modeling of glass structure
and properties by concentrating on basic phenomenological models and numerical atomic-scale simulations. More details
Mini Interactive Web Course on GLASS in ENERGY
Spring Semester 2012
7 week course providing students a broad overview of the use of glass in different applications in the field of energy. It will start with a general introduction of the fabrication process and most relevant properties of glass, followed by a review of the specific energy domain where glass is currently applied or expected to be used in the near future.
More details
Mini Interactive Web Course on CHALCOGENIDE GLASSES
Spring Semester 2011
7 week course provided students a broad overview of chacogenide glasses (structure & properties) and existing and potential applications, such as in photonics, electronics and ionics. More details
Relaxation Processes in Glass
Spring Semester 2010
New Multi Instructional Team Teaching (M.I.T.T) Glass Course.
This interactive web-based glass course offered participants the opportunity to learn from leading experts from the US and abroad on glass via live lectures on the internet. More details
Physical Properties of Glass. Fall Semester 2009
Cooperative Glass Course. Series of lectures from 11 U.S glass experts.
Short Course on “Glass Science & Engineering"
Tuskegee University, Alabama. Sept. 26-27, 2008
Special course opened to students at Tuskegee University
International Winter Schools
US-China Winter School on New Functionalities in Glass,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
January 4-15, 2010
US-Japan Winter School on New Functionalities in Glass, Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan.
January 6-17, 2008
'Students Give High Marks to First US-
Japan Glass Science School' Read NSF News Article>
International Workshops and Conferences
An International Interactive Conference on
January 6-11, 2013
Siracusa, Sicily, Italy.

This ECI (Engineering Conference International) conference will discuss recent advances in glass research as well as identify the requirements that glass must satisfy for new and emerging applications. It will focus especially on energy and information technologies in which glass is expected to have a large impact in the near future.
The Conference will aim to establish dialog between leading glass users and active glass researchers, together with the glass manufacturers who often serve as the interface between these two communities, through a series of invited talks, panel discussions, breakout sessions and poster sessions. |
Workshop: Applications of Synchrotron Techniques in Glass Research.
National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA (April 6-7, 2009)
IMI-NFG International Workshop : Solar Energy Workshop.
“Glass for Harvesting, Storage & Efficient Usage of Solar Energy”. Pittsburgh. (Nov. 16-18, 2008)
Published Article on Solar Workshop Read>
International Workshop on Scientific Challenges of New Functionalities in Glass.
Washington DC., (April 15-17, 2007)