Introduction to NSLS-II: Looking Forward to NSLS-II and Future Capabilities |
Qun Shen, NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Division Director
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Lecture 1 EXAFS: Local Atomic and Electronic Structure: X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Other Inner Shell Spectroscopies |
Bruce Ravel, National Institute of Standards & Technology |
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Lecture 2 Pump-Probe EXAFS: Pump-Probe EXAFS or Probing Structural and Electronic Excitations with X-rays |
Klaus Attenkofer, Argonne National Laboratory |
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Lecture 3 Total X-Ray Scattering: Recent Developments in Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis Applied to Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials |
Simon Billinge, BNL/Columbia University
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Lecture 4 Anomalous X-Ray Scattering: Anomalous X-ray Scattering: Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering |
Takeshi Egami, University of Tennessee |
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Lecture 5 NEXAFS, XANES: X-ray Absorption at the Near-edge and Its Applications |
Faisal Alamgir, Georgia Institute of Technology |
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Lecture 6 XPS: Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Research at N.I.S.T. Beamline X24A |
Joseph Woicik, National Institute of Standards & Technology |
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Lecture 7 High Energy XRD at High Temperatures & Pressure: High Energy X-ray Glass Diffraction at High Pressure and Temperature |
Chris Benmore, Argonne National Laboratory |
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Neville Greaves, Aberystwyth University, UK |
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