BIOS 365 Neurobiology of Sensory Systems
This course is designed to provide a broad background in core principles of neurobiology through the lens of sensory systems. The first 1/3 of the semester is devoted to introductory topics that focus on electrical/computational properties of neurons and the methods used to investigate them. These also include the basics of anatomy and organization of the nervous system. Later, we will focus on an in depth analysis of fundamental organizing principles of neural function as they apply to various sensory systems. We will highlight animals that have evolved extraordinary sensory systems to exploit their ecological niches such as fish that generate and detect electric fields to navigate muddy waters, bats that use echolocation to identify prey in the dark, or snakes that “see” the heat generated by their prey. We will when possible relate these concepts to current human neurology and disease. Students will acquire the skills sufficient to read and interpret primary literature in the neurosciences.
BIOS 404/424 Behavioral Neuroscience/Advanced Sensory Systems
This graduate level course is designed to provide a broad background in neuroscience that is sufficient for passage of the qualifying exam for the Integrative Biology and Neuroscience PhD program. Topics covered include: cellular and systems neurobiology, neuroanatomy, and information processing. A strong emphasis is placed on sensory neuroscience in a mixed lecture and seminar style format. This course has a major “professional skills” component, as students are required to give oral presentations based on current literature.
BIOS 277 Experimental Neuroscience Laboratory: Electrophysiology
This is a practical lab course using basic electrophysiological and neuroanatomical methods. Students learn to record electrical activity from live neuron and muscle preparations. These include resting potentials, action potentials, and synaptic activity. Students will also learn the theoretical background of electrical signaling by working with models of neurons and circuits. This course emphasizes the use of the scientific method, research ethics, and the role of model systems in neuroscience research.
BIOS 3XX Advanced Auditory Neuroscience
This upper division/graduate course is focused on current topics in specialized cellular and systems level auditory neuroscience. Students learn advanced laboratory techniques such as: whole cell voltage/current clamp, in vivo extracellular neurophysiology, tract tracing, and immunohistochemistry. Current literature in auditory neuroscience is reviewed weekly. Consent of instructor is required.
BIOS 090 Frontiers in Neuroscience
This course is designed to introduce freshman students to fundamental concepts in nervous system function, disease/dysfunction, and therapeutic approaches. This course serves as a topic focused section of Biosciences in the 21st Century(BIOS95). Biosciences in the 21st Century is a broad survey course of current concepts in Biological Sciences.