Kenneth P. Kodama

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
1 West Packer Ave.
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3001
Phone: 610-758-3663
Fax: 610-758-3667

Visit Lehigh's Paleomagnetism Lab web page

K. P. Kodama’s Teaching

    Courses Taught:

    1. EES90-Freshman Seminar: The Control of Nature-how humanity’s attempt to control Nature leads to unintended consequences.

    2. EES90-Freshman Seminar: Time and Time Again-a look at time from deep time to a physicist’s perspective.

    3. EES21-Introduction to Planet Earth-introductory physical geology and Earth science

    4. EES306-Geologic Records of Environmental Change-
    ancient climate and environmental change from a rock magnetist’s perspective.

    5. EES334-Geosphere Structure and Evolution (with Gray Bebout)-solid Earth geophysics and geochemistry

    6. EES405-Paleo- and Environmental Magnetism-graduate level course in paleomagnetism, rock magnetism with geologic and environmental applications.

Kenneth P. Kodama

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences • Lehigh University • 27 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015 • (610) 758-3000