Elective Choices
In addition to the CSB electives, students are required to take one Computer Science course from the following list:
- CSE 302 Complier Design (3)
- CSE 313 Computer Graphics (3)
- CSE 318 Automata and Formal Grammars (3)
- CSE 331 User Interface Systems and Techniques (3)
- CSE 335 Topics on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (3)
- CSE 336 Embedded Systems (3)
- CSE 342 Fundamentals of Internetworking (4)
- CSE 343 Network Security (3)
- CSE 345 WWW Search Engines (3)
- CSE 348 AI Game Programming (3)
- CSE 360 Introduction to Mobile Robotics (3)
- CSE 375 Hardware & Software Topics in Parallel Computing (3)