Corporate Social Responsibility:
Nottingham and London, United Kingdom
Friday, May 10 - Sunday, May 19

Given our common cultural heritage and shared language, there are a number of similarities that make it easy to overlook critical differences between the US and the UK in the way firms do business.  While capturing some of these key differences across different sectors of the economy, this immersion experience focuses particularly on the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and how the notion of CSR is interpreted and implemented differently, driven by national culture, regulatory environment, industry norms and individual firm philosphies.

For more information on trips to the United Kingdom, please visit the links below:

Lehigh in the UK 2010
Lehigh in the UK 2011
Lehigh in the UK 2012


Trip dates. The group departs for London, Heathrow on Friday, May 10 and will return on Sunday, May 19. Transportation to and from Newark International Airport will be provided from Lehigh University.
Class structure. This 3-credit special topics course will be led by Professor Andrew Ward and Professor Paul Brockman and meet during the latter part of the spring semester and on select evenings during summer session 1.
Elligibility. All applicants must be current Lehigh University MBA students in good academic standing. An interview is required. Experience capped at 10 students.
Cost & Funding. The cost of this international experience is $2,750 (excluding tuition). This fee covers all ground costs, twin accommodation, airfare, some meals and cultural excursions. Single accommodations are available for a $600 supplement.

Picadilly Circus
Standard Chartered