Dr. Lynn Columba
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A good story is creative, suspenseful, imaginative, meaningful, humorous, adventurous, vivid and colorful, mysterious, engaging, emotional, inspirational, and easy to understand...a good story also puts readers inside the story, and makes it easier for them to think about difficult and complex issues.
-From Chapter One

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Through the years, I have found the following websites to be useful to mathematics teachers:

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Virtual Manipulatives

Tesselation Creations
Math Forum @ Drexel
Kathy Shrock's Guide for Educators

The Geometry Center
Mega Math
Math Games @ Funbrain
Math Surf
A + Math
AAA Math
All Math
Ask Jeeves for Kids
California Learning Interchange
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
Edhelper (Good for Math Crossword Puzzles)
Education World
Eisenhower National Clearing House
Houghton-Mifflin Education Place
KidZone Math
Math Archives