About "US"

(What does a 21st Century Librarian Look Like?)

So what does the 21st century librarian look like? This type of librarian is not going to have a superhero logo on their chest. The media won't cover them on the nightly news. Few of these librarians will receive awards for their work. The 21st century librarian is the grunt on the front lines, defending democracy and the well-being of all American citizens. They will impartially dish out timely and authoritative information. These humble persons stand up and cry out for the defense of literacy in the face of people who do not value others making educated decisions. They are the humanitarians who lift people out of ignorance and apathy. And they will do their job day after day for the same meagre salary and lack of recognition.

The person who created this website hopes to live up to this ideal image of the 21st century librarian. He has no grand dreams of stardom or riches. In fact, he revels in the thought of helping others without attracting attention. His only goal is to help others learn and grow into their own path in life. The key to success in America has always been education and giving that gift to others has given him the chance to see tangible changes for the better in society. And if he ever makes the nightly news, he probably wouldn't comment on the incident without a lawyer present.