Title Index
Author Index
Reviewer Index
The Adventures of The Woman Homesteader: The Life and Letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart. by Susanne K. George. Reviewed by Melody Graulich. 11.2 (1994): 174-75.
After the Fall: The Demeter-Persephone Myth in Wharton, Cather, and Glasgow.
by Josephine Donovan. Reviewed by Marcia Littenberg. 7.1 (1990): 65-6.
After the World Broke in Two: The Later Novels of Willa Cather.
by Merrill Maguire Skaggs. Reviewed by Frances W. Kaye. 9.1 (1992): 69-71.
Alternative Alcott. by Louisa May Alcott, edited and with an Introduction by Elaine Showalter. Reviewed by Kate Beaird Meyers. 5.2 (1988): 68.
A Lydia Maria Child Reader. Edited by Carolyn L. Karcher. Reviewed by Debra J. Rosenthal. 15.2 (1998): 227.
"The Amber Gods" and Other Stories. by Harriet Prescott Spofford, edited by Alfred Bendixen. Reviewed by Amy Tucker. 6.2 (1989): 68-9.
American Puritanism and the Defense of Mourning: Religion, Grief, and Ethnology in Mary White Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative. by Mitchell Robert Breitwieser. Reviewed by Rebecca Blevins Faery. 9.2 (1992): 151-2.
American Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century: An Anthology. Cheryl Walker, ed. Reviewed by Annie Finch. 11.1 (1994): 87-8.
American Women Writers and the Work of History . by Nina Baym. Reviewed by Anne C. Rose. 13.2 (1996): 156-7.
An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Edited by Jana Donahue Eberwein. Reviewed by Tim Morris. 16.2 (1999): 203-4.
A Romance of the Republic . by Lydia Maria Child. Reviewed by Debra J. Rosenthal. 15.2 (1998): 227.
Bachelor Bess: The Homesteading Letters of Elizabeth Corey, 1909-1919.
Philip L. Gerber, ed. Reviewed by Frances W. Kaye. 10.1 (1993): 61-2.
Beneath the American Renaissance: The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville.
by David S. Reynolds. Reviewed by David Van Leer. 6.2 (1989): 61-2.
Bergson and American Culture: The Worlds of Willa Cather and Wallace Stevens.
by Tom Quirk. Reviewed by Roxanna Pisiak. 9.1 (1992): 72-6.
by Augusta Jane Evans, edited and with an Introduction by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese. Reviewed by Beverly R. Voloshin. 11.2 (1994): 171-3.
Breaking the Ties That Bind - Popular Stories of the New Woman, 1915-1930.
Maureen Honey, ed. Reviewed by Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin. 12.2 (1995): 147.
Building Domestic Liberty: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Architectural Feminism.
by Polly Wynn Allen. Reviewed by Maureen L. Egan. 6.2 (1989): 65.
Caroline Lockhart: Her Life and Legacy
by Necah Stewart Furman. Reviewed by Priscilla Leder. 13.1 (1996): 82-4.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Woman and Her Work.
by Sheryl L. Meyering. Reviewed by Elaine Hedges. 6.2 (1989): 63-4.
Collected Black Women's Narratives.
Anthony G. Barthelemy, ed. Reviewed by Bette S. Weidman. 8.2 (1991): 149-153.
A Confederate Lady Comes of Age: The Journal of Pauline DeCaradeuc Heyward, 1863-1888.
Mary D. Robertson, ed. Reviewed by Carol S. Manning. 11.1 (1994): 76-7.
Conflicting Stories: American Women Writers at the Turn into the Twentieth Century.
by Elizabeth Ammons. Reviewed by Elsa Nettels. 9.2 (1992): 77-9.
Constance Fenimore Woolson: The Grief of Artistry.
by Cheryl Torsney. Reviewed by Sharon L. Dean. 8.1 (1991): 64.
Coyote Stories.
by Mourning Dove, edited by Jay Miller. Reviewed by Abby H.P. Werlock. 10.2 (1993): 153-6.
Critical Essays on Constance Fenimore Woolson.
Cheryl Torsney, ed. Reviewed by Dennis Berthold. 11.2 (1994): 176.
Critical Essays on Mary Wilkins Freeman.
by Shirley Marchalonis. Reviewed by Robert M. Luscher. 10.1 (1993): 65-6.
The Culture of Sentiment: Race, Gender, and Sentimentality in Nineteenth Century America.
Shirley Samuels, ed. Reviewed by Kate McCullough. 13.1 (1996): 79-80.
The Desert is No Lady: Southwestern Landscapes in Women's Writing and Art.
Vera Norwood and Janice Monk, eds. Reviewed by Susan Rosowski. 6.1 (1989): 74.
Dickinson and the Strategies of Reticence.
by Joanne Dobson. Reviewed by Everett Emerson. 7.1 (1990): 67.
Discarded Legacy: Politics and Poetics in the Life of Frances E.W. Harper, 1825-1911.
Melba Joyce Boyd, ed. Reviewed by Catharine F. Seigel. 13.1 (1996): 81.
Doing Literary Business: American Women Writers.
by Susan Coultrap-McQuin. Reviewed by Laura E. Skandera. 8.1 (1991): 60.
Domestic Allegories of Political Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the Turn of the Century.
by Claudia Tate. Reviewed by Elizabeth Ammons. 11.2 (1994): 170.
Domestic Novelists in the Old South: Defenders of Southern Culture.
by Elizabeth Moss. Reviewed by Robert O. Stephens. 11.1 (1994): 82-3.
Edith Wharton and the Unsatisfactory Man.
by David Holbrook. Reviewed by Helen Killoran. 10.2 (1993): 145-7.
Edith Wharton's Prisoners of Shame: A New Perspective on Her Neglected Fiction .
by Raphael Lev. Reviewed by Helen Killoran. 10.2 (1993): 145-7.
Edith Wharton's Women: Friends and Rivals .
by Susan Goodman. Reviewed by Laura E. Skandera. 8.1 (1991): 65.
Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952: Actress, Novelist, Feminist.
by Joanne E. Gates. Reviewed by Elsa Nettels. 13.1 (1996): 76.
Emily Dickinson: A Poet's Grammar.
by Christanne Miller. Reviewed by Suzanne Juhasz. 4.2 (1987): 54-6.
Emily Dickinson's Reception in the 1890s: A Documentary History.
Willis J. Buckingham, ed. Reviewed by Lis Moller. 8.1 (1991): 63.
The Emily Dickinson Handbook.
Edited by Gudrun Grabher, Roland Hagenbuchle, and Cristanne Miller
Reviewed by Tim Morris. 16.2 (1999): 203-4.
The Essential Margaret Fuller .
Jeffrey Steele, ed. Reviewed by Sanford E. Marovitz. 11.1 (1994): 80-1.
Fanny Fern.
by Nancy A. Walker. Reviewed by Greta D. Little. 12.2 (1995): 150-2.
Fanny Fern: An Independent Woman.
by Joyce W. Warren. Reviewed by Shirley Marchalonis. 10.2 (1993): 148.
Female Pastoral: Women Writers Re-Visioning the American South.
by Elizabeth Jane Harrison. Reviewed by Anne E. Rowe. 12.2 (1995): 144-6.
Feminist Issues in Literary Scholarship.
Sheri Benstock, ed. with an Introduction by Catharine Stimpson.
Reviewed by Chapel Petty-Schmitt. 5.2 (1988): 63.
Feminism and American Literary History.
by Nina Baym. Reviewed by Paul Lauter. 11.2 (1994): 182.
Fiction of the Home Place: Jewett, Cather, Glasgow, Porter, Welty, and Naylor .
by Helen Fiddyment Levy. Reviewed by Robert M. Luscher. 11.2 (1994): 181-2.
The First Woman in the Republic: A Cultural Biography of Lydia Maria Child.
by Carolyn L. Karcher. Reviewed by Elaine Hedges. 13.2 (1996): 152-3.
Folk Roots and Mythic Wings in Sarah Orne Jewett and Toni Morrison: The Cultural Function of Narrative.
by Marilyn Sanders Mobley. Reviewed by Marjorie Pryse. 10.1 (1993): 69-70.
Freaks of Genius: Unknown Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott.
Daniel Shealey, Madeline Stern, and Joel Meyerson, eds. Reviewed by Lynne Vallone. 11.2 (1994): 179-180.
From Mesa Verde to "The Professor's House".
by David Harrell. Reviewed by Ann Fisher-Wirth. 12.1 (1995): 62-4.
George Washington's Beautiful Nelly: The Letters of Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis to Elizabeth Bordley Gibson, 1794-1851.
Patricia Brady, ed. Reviewed by Carol S. Manning. 11.1 (1994): 76-8.
The Ghost in the Little House: A Life of Rose Wilder Lane.
by William Holtz. Reviewed by Deborah Fairman. 12.2 (1995): 148-9.
Growing Up in Boston's Gilded Age: The Journal of Alice Stone Blackwell, 1872-1874.
Marlene Deahl Merrill, ed. Reviewed by Joanne B. Karpinski. 8.1 (1991): 157-9.
Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life.
by Joan D. Hedrick. Reviewed by Carolyn Karcher. 12.2 (1995): 142-3.
The Heath Anthology of American Literature.
Paul Lauter et al., eds. Reviewed by Amy Tucker. 8.1 (1991): 58-9.
A Hunger for Home: Louisa May Alcott's Place in American Culture.
by Sarah Elbert. Reviewed by Kate Beaird Meyers. 5.2 (1988): 68.
Inflections of the Pen: Dash and Voice in Emily Dickinson.
by Paul Crumbley. Reviewed by Tim Morris. 15.2 (1998): 225.
Invented Lives: Narratives of Black Women, 1860-1960.
by Mary Helen Washington. Reviewed by Marcellus Bount. 4.2 (1987): 56-7.
Journeys in New Worlds: Early American Women's Narratives.
William L. Andrews, Sargent Bush, Jr., Annette Kolodny, Amy Shrager Lang, and Daniel B. Shea, eds. Reviewed by Florence D. Amamoto. 8.2 (1991): 155-6.
Kate Chopin Reconsidered: Beyond the Bayou.
Lynda S. Boren and Sara deSassure Davis, eds. Reviewed by Anne E. Rowe. 12.2 (1995): 144-6.
Kate M. Cleary: A Literary Biography with Selected Works.
Edited by Susanne K. George. Reviewed by Dawn Keetley. 16.2 (1999): 206-8.
Labor and Desire: Women's Revolutionary Fiction in Depression America.
by Paula Rabinowitz. Reviewed by Carlos Rowe. 10.2 (1993): 144.
The Lamplighter.
by Maria Cummins. edited by Nina Baym. Reviewed by Barbara A. White. 6.2 (1989): 70.
Letter by Lamplight: A Woman's View of Everyday Life in South Texas, 1873-1883 .
Lois E. Myers, ed. Reviewed by Frances W. Kaye. 10.1 (1993): 61-2.
Letters of Catharine Cottam Romney, Plural Wife.
Jennifer Moulton Hansen, ed. Reviewed by Edward A. Geary. 11.1 (1994): 84-6.
The Letters of Edith Wharton.
R.W.B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis, eds. Reviewed by Alfred Bendixen. 6.2 (1989): 66-7.
The Letters of Margaret Fuller. Vols. 1-5.
Robert N. Hudspeth, ed. Reviewed by Dorothy Berkson. 5.2 (1988): 64-6.
The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science.
by Willa Cather and Georgine Milmine. Introduction and Afterword by David Stouck.
Reviewed by Ann Fisher-Wirth. 12.1 (1995): 62-4.
The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Edited by Ann J. Lane. Reviewed by Joanne B. Karpinski.
8.2 (1991): 157-9.
Lonesome Land.
by B.M. Bower. Reviewed by Dawn Keetley. 16.2 (1999): 206-8.
Louisa May Alcott's Fairy Stories and Fantasy Stories.
by Daniel Shealey. Reviewed by Lynne Vallone. 11.2 (1994): 179-80.
Macaria; or Altars of Sacrifice.
by Augusta Jane Evans. edited and with an Introduction by Drew Gilpin Faust.
Reviewed by Beverly R. Voloshin. 11.2 (1994): 171-3.
Manhood and the American Renaissance.
by David Leverenz. Reviewed by David Van Leer. 6.2 (1989): 61.
Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life Volume 1: The Private Years.
by Charles Copper. Reviewed by Charlene Avallone. 12.2 (1995): 153-4.
Margaret Fuller: Visionary of the New Age.
Marie Mitchell Oleson Urbanski, ed. Reviewed by Jeffrey Steele. 13.2 (1996): 154-5.
Mary Austin: Song of Maverick.
by Esther Lanigan Stineman. Reviewed by Melody Graulich. 7.2 (1990): 59-60.
Mary Mapes Dodge.
by Susan R. Gannon and Ruth Anne Thompson. Reviewed by Greta D. Little. 12.2 (1995): 150-2.
Mormon Odyssey: The Story of Ida Hunt Udall, Plural Wife.
Maria E. Ellsworth, ed. Reviewed by Edward A Geary. 11.1 (1994): 84-6.
Mourning Dove: A Salishan Autobiography.
by Mourning Dove. edited by Jay Miller. Reviewed by Abby H.P. Werlock. 10.2 (1993): 153-6.
New England Literary Culture: From Revolution to Renaissance .
by Lawrence Buell. Reviewed by Wendy Martin. 4.2 (1987): 59.
New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Eric J. Sundquist, ed. Reviewed by Joanne D. Hedrick. 4.2 (1987): 53-4.
A New Home, Who'll Follow?
by Caroline Kirkland, editedand with an Introduction by Sandra A Zagarell.
Reviewed by Kerry Driscoll. 8.1 (1991): 66-8.
New Poems of Emily Dickinson.
William H. Shurr, ed. with Anna Dunlap and Emily Grey Shurr.
Reviewed by Veronic Stewart. 12.1 (1995): 56-7.
19th-Century American Women's Novels: Interpretive Strategies.
by Susan K. Harris. Reviewed by Lucy M. Freibert. 7.2 (1990): 57-8.
The (Other) American Traditions: Nineteenth-Century Women Writers.
Joyce W. Warren, ed. Reviewed by Gwen L. Nagel. 12.1 (1994): 58-9.
Parlor Radical: Rebecca Harding Davis and the Origins of American Social Realism.
by Jean Pfaelzer. Reviewed by Andrew J. Scheiber. 15.2 (1998): 224.
The Passion of Emily Dickinson.
by Judith Farr. Reviewed by Judy Jo Small. 11.1 (1994): 74-5.
The Pen is Ours: A Listing of Writings by and about African-American Women Before 1910 with Secondary Bibliography to the Present.
by Jean Fagan Yellin and Cynthia Bond. Reviewed by Julian Mason. 10.1 (1992): 63-4.
A Plantation Mistress on the Eve of the Civil War: The Diary of Keziah Goodwyn Hopkins Brevard, 1860-1861.
John Hammond Moore, ed. Reviewed by Kathleen M. Fleming. 12.1 (1995): 67-8.
The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition.
R.W. Franklin, ed. Reviewed by Paula Bernat Bennett. 16.2 (1999): 201-2.
The Poems of Phillis Wheatley.
by Phillis Wheatley. Edited and with an Introduction by Julian D. Mason, Jr.
Reviewed by Quandra Prettyman. 7.1 (1990): 68-9.
The Power of Her Sympathy: The Autobiography and Journal of Catherine Maria Sedgwick.
Mary Kelly, ed. Reviewed by Elsa Nettels. 12.2 (1995): 153-4.
Prairie Women: Images in American and Canadian Fiction.
by Carol Fairbanks. Reviewed by Lou Halsell Rodenberger. 6.1 (1989): 73.
Psychoanalysis and Black Novels: Desire and the Protocols of Race.
by Claudia Tate. Reviewed by Cynthia J. Davis. 16.2 (1999): 209-10.
Rebecca Harding Davis and American Realism.
by Sharon M. Harris. Reviewed by Jane Atteridge Rose. 9.2 (1992): 157-9.
Reconfigured Spheres: Feminist Explorations of Literary Space .
Margaret R. Higgonet and Joan Templeton, eds. Reviewed by Deborah Clarke. 13.2 (1996): 159-60.
Reconstructing American Literary History.
by Sacvan Bercovitch. Reviewed by Stacey Olster. 4.1 (1987): 50.
Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-American Novelist.
by Hazel V. Carby. Reviewed by Claudia Tate. 4.2 (1987): 57-9.
Revolution and the Word: The Rise of the Novel in Americ a.
by Cathy N. Davidson. Reviewed by Jane Tompkins. 4.1 (1987): 49.
Rutgers University Press American Women Writers Series.
Rutgers. Reviewed by Sandra A. Zagarell. 4.2 (1987): 62-6.
Sarah Orne Jewett, An American Persephone.
by Sarah Way Sherman. Reviewed by Marcia Littenberg. 7.1 (1990): 65-6.
Sarah Orne Jewett: Reconstructing Gender.
by Margaret Roman. Reviewed by Karen Oakes. 10.1 (1993): 67-8.
Self-Discovery and Authority in Afro-American Narrative.
by Valerie Smith. Reviewed by Susanne Dietzel and Maryemma Graham. 4.2 (1987): 59-61.
The Sexual Education of Edith Wharton.
by Gloria C. Erlich. Reviewed by Helen Killoran. 10.2 (1993): 145-7.
Sister's Choice: Tradition and Change in American Women's Writing.
by Elaine Showalter. Reviewed by Sharon M. Harris. 10.2 (1993): 142-3.
Sisters of the Spirit: Three Black Women's Autobiographies of the Nineteenth Century.
William L. Andrews, ed. Reviewed by Barbara Bowen. 4.2 (1987): 60-2.
Six Women's Slave Narratives.
William L Andrews, ed. Reviewed by Bette S. Weidman. 8.2 (1991): 149-153.
Slavery and the Literary Imagination: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1987.
Deborah E. McDowell and Arnold Rampersad, eds. Reviewed by Maryemma Graham. 8.1 (1991): 61-2.
Spiritual Narratives.
Susan Houchins, ed. Reviewed by Bette S. Weidman. 8.2 (1991):149-153.
Stories from the Country of Lost Borders. and A Woman of Genius.
Melody Graulich, ed. Reviewed by Nancy R. Comley. 6.1 (1989): 71-2.
Subjects of Slavery, Agents of Change: Women and Power in Gothic Novels and Slave Narratives, 1790-1865.
by Kari J. Winter. Reviewed by Robert O. Stephens. 11.1 (1994): 82-3.
Susan Glaspell's Century of American Women: A Critical Interpretation of Her Work.
by Veronica Makowsky. Reviewed by Marcia Noe. 12.1 (1995): 65-6.
Telling Travels: Selected Writings of Nineteenth-Century American Women Abroad .
Mary Suzanne Scriber, ed. Reviewed by Paola Gemme. 13.2 (1996): 161.
Tender Darkness: A Mary MacLane Anthology.
Elisabeth Pruitt, ed. Reviewed by Priscilla Leder. 13.1 (1996): 82-4.
These Sad but Glorious Days: Dispatches from Europe, 1846-1850.
by Margaret Fuller, edited and introduced by Larry J. Reynolds and Susan Belasco Smith. Reviewed by Jeffrey Steele. 10.1 (1993): 59-60.
This Brief Tragedy: Unraveling the Todd-Dickinson Affair.
by John Evangelist Walsh. Reviewed by Judy Jo Small. 11.1 (1994): 74-5.
To "Herland" and Beyond: The Life and Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
by Ann J. Lane. Reviewed by Margaret P. Murray. 9.2 (1992): 155-6.
To Myself a Stranger: A Biography of Rose Hawthorne Lathrop .
by Patricia Dunlavy Valenti. Reviewed by Margaret P. Murray. 9.2 (1992): 153-4.
Touching Liberty: Abolition, Feminism, and the Politics of the Body.
by Karen Sanchez-Eppler. Reviewed by Jennifer von Ammon. 13.2 (1996): 158.
The Uncollected Stories of Mary Wilkins Freeman.
by Mary Wilkins Freeman, edited by Mary R. Reichardt. Reviewed by Martha Cutter.
10.2 (1993): 151-2.
Unlikely Heroines: Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers and The Woman Question.
by Ann R. Shapiro. Reviewed by Joyce Warren. 5.2 (1988): 66-8.
by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Reviewed by Dale M. Bauer. 15.2 (1998): 226.
A Voice from the South.
by Anna Julia Cooper, edited by Mary Helen Washington. Reviewed by Elizabeth Ammons.
8.2 (1991): 153-4.
Voices of the Nation: Women and Public Speech in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture.
by Caroline Field Levander. Reviewed by Katharine Rodier. 16.2 (1999): 205-6.
A Web of Relationship: Women in the Short Fiction of Mary Wilkins Freeman.
by Mary R. Reichardt. Reviewed by Martha J. Cutter. 10.2 (1993): 151-2.
Western Trails: A Collection of Short Stories. and Cactus Thorn: A Novella.
Melody Graulich, ed. Reviewed by Helen Winter Stauffer. 6.1 (1989): 69-70.
The Whole Family: A Novel by Twelve Authors.
by Alfred Bendixen. Reviewed by Arlyn Diamond. 4.1 (1987): 53-5.
The Wicked Sisters: Women Poets, Literary History, and Discord.
by Betsy Erkkila. Reviewed by Jo Ellen Green Kaiser. 11.2 (1994): 177-8.
The Wide, Wide World.
by Susan Warner, with an afterword by Jane Tompkins. Reviewed by Lucy M. Freibert.
4.2 (1987): 66-8.
Willa Cather: Double Lives.
by Hermione Lee. Reviewed by Sherrill Harbison. 9.1 (1992): 69-71.
Willa Cather's Modernism: A Study of Style and Technique.
by Jo Ann Middleton. Reviewed by Frances W. Kaye. 9.1 (1992): 69-71.
Willa Cather: The Emerging Voice.
by Sharon O'Brien. Reviewed by Frances W. Kaye. 4.1 (1987): 51-3.
With Women's Eyes: Visitors to the New World, 1775-1918.
Mario Tinling, ed. Reviewed by Denise D. Knight. 12.1 (1995): 60-1.
Women and Sisters: Antislavery Feminists in American Culture.
by Jean Fagan Yellin. Reviewed by Karne Shanchz-Eppler. 7.2 (1990): 56.
Women Artists, Women Exiles: "Mis Grief" and Other Stories.
by Constance Fenimore Woolson, edited and with an Introduction by Joan Myers Weimer. Reviewed by Kathleen Kier. 7.1 (1990): 70-1.
Women's Fiction: A Guide to Novels By and About Women in America, 1820-70, 2nd ed.
by Nina Baym. Reviewed by Paul Lauter. 11.2 (1994): 183-5.
Women's Humor in the Age of Gentility: The Life and Works of Frances Miriam Whitcher.
by Linda A Morris. Reviewed by Nancy A. Walker. 10.2 (1993): 149-150.
The Work of the Afro-American Woman.
by Mrs. N.F. Mossell, edited by Joanne Braxton. Reviewed by Elizabeth Ammons.
8.2 (1991): 153-4.
The Worlds of Lucy Larcom.
by Shirley Marchalonis. Reviewed by Joyce Avrech Berkman. 7.2 (1990): 61-2.
Written By Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, 1746-1892.
by Frances Foster Smith. Reviewed by Denise D. Knight. 12.1 (1995): 60-1.
Writing Their Nations: The Tradition of Nineteenth-Century American Jewish Women Writers.
by Diane Lichtenstein. Reviewed by Victoria Aarons. 11.1 (1994): 78-9.
Wynema: A Child of the Forest.
by S. Alice Callahan. Edited by A. Lavonne Brown Ruoff. Reviewed by Dawn Keetley
16.2 (1999): 206-8.