Course being Offered at Lehigh University:

·       ECE 343: Digital Signal Processing (Spring 2025)


Courses previously Offered:

At Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

·       ECE108: Signals and Systems (Fall 2018) 

·       ECE 200: ECE Seminars (Fall 2023)

·       ECE 341/441: Fundamentals of Wireless Communications (Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022)

·       ECE 450: Digital Communications (Fall 2019)



At Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO

·       EE267: Linear Systems II (Spring 2009) 

·       EE343: Communications Systems II (Spring 2008) 

·       EE444: Stochastic Signal Analysis II (Spring 2010) 

·       EE445: Statistical Decision Theory (Spring 2011) 

·       EE446: Wireless Communications (Spring 2014) 

·       EE447: Information Theory and Coding (Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Spring 2013) 

·       EE448: Selected Topics in Communications: Advanced Digital Communications (Fall 2007) 

·       EE448: Advanced Topics in Communications (Fall 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2013) 

·       EE5440: Stochastic Signal Analysis I (Fall 2014) 

·       EE6410: Information Theory and Coding (Fall 2014)


At University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO

·       ECE3830 Transform Analysis of Signals and Linear Systems (Winter 2004, Winter 2005, Winter 2006) 

·       ECE4310 Feedback Theory (Fall 2004) 

·       ECE4710 Communication Systems (Winter 2001) 

·       ECE4730 Introduction to Wireless Communications (Fall 2005) 

·       ECE8710 Digital Communications (Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2006) 

·       ECE8770 Advanced Mobile Communications (Fall 2001, Winter 2002, Winter 2003, Winter 2005, Winter 2007) 



At University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

·       EE387 Statistical Methods in Electrical Engineering (Winter 2000)

·       EE900 Digital Communications (Winter 2000).