- Machine
Learning for Intelligent Communications
- Secure
Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks with Finite Alphabet Signaling
- Multi-user
MIMO Communications under Finite Alphabet Constraints
- Idea-Proof
Hardware Implementation for Wireless Communications
- Underwater
Acoustic Communications with Undersea Experiments
Recent Research Interests:
RF Wireless Communications
and Underwater Acoustic Communications
- Fading
Channel Modeling and Simulation
- Joint
Channel Equalization and Channel Decoding
- Single-User
MIMO Triply Selective Fading Channel Capacity
- Multi-User
and Multi-Cell MIMO Triply Selective Fading Channel Capacity
Signal Processing for Communications
- Fading
Channel Estimation for MIMO, OFDM and CDMA Systems
- Mobile
Speed Estimation for Hierarchical Cellular Networks & Systems
- Algorithm
Implementation and Optimization with Commercial Signal Processors
- Optimal
Design of Training Sequences for MIMO Triply Selective Fading Channel
The research topics listed above are/were supported in part by
- National
Science Foundation
- Office
of Naval Research
- Air
Force Research Laboratory
- Nortel
Networks Inc.
- Mitsubishi
Electric Research Lab
- University
of Missouri System Research Board
- University
of Missouri-Columbia Research Council
- iCORE,
Alberta Informatics Circle of Research Excellence
- Natural
Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Previous Research Interests:
Multidimensional System Theory
Stability of Nonlinear Feedback Systems
Multidimensional and Multirate Signal Processing and
The research topics listed above were supported in part by
- Australian Research
- National Science
Foundation of China
- Tsinghua University
Research Foundation
- Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada