Files for Chapter 7 Method of Lines PDE Analaysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering pde_1_main.R Listing 7.1 pde_1.R Listing 7.2 dss004.R dss044.R Please note that the main program has a setwd (set working directory) statement that will require editing for the local computer. Specifically, the folder where the R routines reside has to be defined, e.g., setwd("f:/comp3/wiley_download/chap7"); Note the use of / rather than the usual \. Other listings discussed in Chapter 7 are easily produced by editing the preceding files (as discussed in Chapter 7). If you encounter any problems in executing these files (by copying and pasting the main programs into R at the prompt, then editing setwd), or require additional explanation/ clarification, please contact the author at, (610) 758-4264.