Files for Chapter 10 Method of Lines PDE Analaysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering pde_1_main.R Listing 10.1 pde_1.R Listing 10.2 dss032.R dss032a.R Please note that the main program has a setwd (set working directory) statement that will require editing for the local computer. Specifically, the folder where the R routines reside has to be defined, e.g., setwd("f:/comp3/wiley_download/chap10"); Note the use of / rather than the usual \. Other listings discussed in Chapter 10 are easily produced by editing the preceding files (as discussed in Chapter 10). If you encounter any problems in executing these files (by copying and pasting the main programs into R at the prompt, then editing setwd), or require additional explanation/ clarification, please contact the author at, (610) 758-4264.