Si Tang's home page
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Lehigh University. Before
joining Lehigh, I worked as an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Mathematics
at Duke University from 2017 to 2018. I received my PhD in Statistics in 2017 and PhD in Ecology and Evolution
in 2013, both from University of Chicago.
I am co-organizing an online probability seminar for Spring 2025.
See also: an in-person Prob/Stat seminar series.
(All ongoing and Past activities)
- Email: sit218_at_lehigh_dot_edu
- Office: Chandler-Ullmann Hall (map), Room 246
- Phone: (610)758-3734
- Address: 17 Memorial Drive East, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Publications and preprints
- with W.-K. Chen. On the TAP equations via the cavity approach in the generic mixed p-spin models. Commun. Math. Phys. 405 (87), 2024. [Journal]
- with C. Guo and N. Wei. On the minimal drift for recurrence in the frog model on d-ary trees.
Ann. Appl. Probab. 32 (4): 3004-3026, 2022. [Journal]
- with W.-K. Chen. On convergence of the cavity and Bolthausen's TAP iterations to the local magnetization. Commun. Math. Phys. 386 (2): 1209-1242, 2021. [Journal]
- with S. P. Lalley. Occupation densities of ensembles of branching random walks.
Electron. Commun. Probab. 25 (12): 1-13, 2020. [Journal]
- with R. Durrett and M. Junge Coexistence in chase-escape.
Electron. Commun. Probab. 25(22): 1-14, 2020. [Jounal]
- with E. Beckman, N. Frank, Y. Jiang, M. Junge. The frog model on tree with drift.
Electron. Commun. Probab. 24 (26): 1-10, 2019. [Journal]
- with A. Auffinger. On the time constant of high dimensional first passage percolation.
Electron. J. Probab. 21 (24): 1-13, 2016. [Journal]
- with A. Auffinger. Extreme eigenvalues of sparse, heavy-tailed random matrices.
Stoch. Proc. Appl. 126 (11): 3310-3330, 2016. [Journal]
Mathematical Biology
- S. Tang, G. Kordzakhia, and S. P. Lalley.
Phase transition for the Chase-Escape model on 2D lattices. [arXiv]
- S. Allesina, E. Sander, M. Smith and S. Tang.
Superelliptical laws for complex networks. [arXiv]
- S. Allesina, J. Grilli, G. Barabás, S. Tang, J. Aljadeff, and A. Maritan.
Predicting the stability of large structured food webs.
Nat. Commun.. 6 (7482), 2015. [Journal]
- S. Allesina and S. Tang.
The stability-complexity relationship at age 40: a random matrix perspective.
Popul. Ecol.. 57 (1):63-75, 2015. [Journal]
- S. Tang, S. Pawar, and S. Allesina.
Correlation between interaction strengths drives stability in large ecological networks.
Ecol. Lett.. 17(9):1094-1100, 2014. [Journal]
- S. Tang and S. Allesina.
Reactivity and stability of large ecosystems.
Front. Ecol. Evol.. 2:21-28, 2014. [Journal]
- A. Eklöf, S. Tang, and S. Allesina.
Secondary extinctions in food webs: a Bayesian network approach.
Methods Ecol. Evol..4 (8):760-770, 2013. [Journal]
- S. Allesina and S. Tang.
Stability criteria for complex ecosystems.
Nature. 483 (7388):205-208, 2012. [Journal]
At Lehigh |
Probability and Statistics. Fall 2018, 2019, 2021. |
Random Processes and Applications. Spring 2019, 2020, 2023. Fall 2021, 2023. |
Advanced Probability. Spring 2022. |
At Northwestern |
Probability and Statistics for Econometrics. Fall 2020. |
Linear Algebra. Spring 2021. |
At Duke |
Probability. Fall 2017. Spring 2018. |
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus. Spring 2018. |
At UChicago |
Elementary Statistics. Winter 2016. |