I am no longer overseeing the modules. Ms. Joanne Connors is now in charge of Bus 3 and Bus 4 and you should contact her with questions regarding Bus 3 and Bus 4. However, I can still answer many of your questions regarding the modules for members of the class of 00 and 01. Basically, you still need to pass Modules A and B and Bus 4 to receive two credits. It's an "all or nothing" deal. If you have already passed Modules A and B but have not passed Bus 4, you will still not have anything on your transcript. Once you pass Bus 4, I will notify the registrar to give you a second credit for passing Modules A and B and this will appear on your transcript as Bus 3. If you have already passed Module A and not Module B, you will need to sign up for Bus 3 as an official course. There are no longer any proficiency exams for Excel.