The EXCEL exam will be given on Monday, April 26. The test will be given during the regularly scheduled times for all Bus 3 students. For any sophomore or junior taking the test as part of the self-study modules, the test can be taken at any of the Bus 3 times. The tests will be at 8:00 in Neville 2, 10:00 in Chandler-Ullmann 230, 12:00 in Neville 2 and 4:00 in Whitaker 303. No sign up is necessary. Just come to the exam.

It is a 50 minute exam and will be hand written -- It will NOT be on the computer. The reliability of the Rauch computers makes giving a "hands-on" exam impractical. Students will not be allowed to bring their own "cheat sheet" to the exam. Instead, we will provide a sheet of formulas at the test. A copy of this will be passed out in Bus 3 classes.