// Triangle.java
// Class Definition
// Uses overloaded constructors
// User-defined class with graphics
import java.awt.*;

public class Triangle {
	// instance variables
	private Point pointA, pointB, pointC;

	// constructor taking 3 Point object arguments
	public Triangle( Point a, Point b, Point c ) {
		pointA = a;
		pointB = b;
		pointC = c;


	// constructor taking 6 integer arguments
	public Triangle( int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy ) {
		pointA = new Point( ax, ay );
		pointB = new Point( bx, by );
		pointC = new Point( cx, cy );

	// constructor taking 4 integer arguments
	public Triangle( int x, int y, int w, int h ) {
		pointA = new Point( x, y );
		pointB = new Point( x + w, y - h / 2 );
		pointC = new Point( x + w, y + h / 2 );

	// set the Points
	public void setPointA( Point a ) {
		pointA = a;

	public void setPointA( int x, int y ) {
		pointA.x = x;
		pointA.y = y;

	public void setPointB( Point b ) {
		pointB = b;

	public void setPointB( int bx, int by ) {
		pointB.x = bx;
		pointB.y = by;

	public void setPointB( int x, int y, int w, int h ) {
		pointB.x = x + w;
		pointB.y = y - h / 2;

	public void setPointC( Point c ) {
		pointC = c;

	public void setPointC( int cx, int cy ) {
		pointC.x = cx;
		pointC.y = cy;

	public void setPointC( int x, int y, int w, int h ) {
		pointC.x = x + w;
		pointC.y = y + h / 2;

	// get coordinates
	public int getX( ) {
		return pointA.x;

	public int getY( ) {
		return pointA.y;

	public int getW( ) {
		return pointC.x - pointA.x;

	public int getH( ) {
		return (pointC.y - pointB.y );

	public String toString( ) {
		return "The triangle is defined by ( x1, y1 ) = ( " + this.pointA.x + ", " + this.pointA.y + " ), ( x2, y2 ) = ( " + this.pointB.x + ", " + this.pointB.y + " ) and ( x3, y3 ) = ( " + this.pointC.x + ", " + this.pointC.y + " )";

	public void sketch( Graphics g ) {
		g.setColor( Color.orange );
		g.drawLine( pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y );
		g.drawLine( pointA.x, pointA.y, pointC.x, pointC.y );
		g.drawLine( pointB.x, pointB.y, pointC.x, pointC.y );

	public void fill( Graphics g, Color shade ) {
		Polygon p;
		p = new Polygon( );
		p.addPoint( pointA.x, pointA.y );
		p.addPoint( pointB.x, pointB.y );
		p.addPoint( pointC.x, pointC.y );
		p.addPoint( pointA.x, pointA.y );
		g.setColor( shade );
		g.fillPolygon( p );