// GrowingCubePanelTester.java
// Graphics Demo
// APPLET CODE="GrowingCubePanelTester" HEIGHT=480 WIDTH=400
// A cube that contracts up to a point and then expands as a button is pushed
// Cube is drawn as an outline - it is not filled
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GrowingCubePanelTester extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
	int w;
	int growFactor;
	Container c;

	// GUI Components
	JPanel pGUI;
	GrowingCubePanel pD;
	JButton b;

	public void init( ) {
		w = 200;  // width of the cube
		growFactor = 10;
		c = getContentPane( );

		pGUI = new JPanel( );
		pGUI.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
		b = new JButton( "Push" );
		b.addActionListener( this );
		pGUI.add( b );

		pD = new GrowingCubePanel( );
		c.add( pGUI, BorderLayout.NORTH );
		c.add( pD, BorderLayout.CENTER );
		pD.drawInfo( w );

	public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
		if ( w >= 200 || w <= 20 )
			growFactor *= -1;	// reverse direction
		w += growFactor;		// incr or decr size
		pD.drawInfo( w );		// pass size to JPanel to draw