// CarTester.java
// Tests user-defined class Car
import javax.swing.*;
// import user-defined class Car in edu.lehigh.notes package
import edu.lehigh.notes.Car;

public class CarTester {
        public static void main( String args[ ] ) {
                // references to Car objects
                Car chevy;
                Car boxster;
                Car jeep;
                Car honda;
                Car audi;

                String output, s1, s2;
                chevy = new Car( "Chevy", 125, 6.7, 8.3, false );
                boxster = new Car( "Boxster", 145, 6.0, 6.1, true );
                jeep = new Car( "Wrangler", 94, 9.5, 10.3, true );
                honda = new Car( "Prelude", 7.2, 7.8, false );  // no top speed passed
                audi = new Car( "S4", 145, 5.5, 5.9, true );

                output = "";
                s1 = "It goes from 0 to 60 to 0 in ";
                s2 = " seconds.";
                if ( chevy.getSexy( ) == true ) {
                        output += chevy.toString( ) + "\n";
                        output += s1 + chevy.perform( ) + s2 + "\n";
                if ( boxster.getSexy( ) == true ) {
                        output += boxster.toString( ) + "\n";
                        output += s1 + boxster.perform( ) + s2 + "\n";

                if ( jeep.getSexy( ) == true ) {
                        output += jeep.toString( ) + "\n";
                        output += s1 + jeep.perform( ) + s2 + "\n";

                if ( honda.getSexy( ) == true ) {
                        output += honda.toString( ) + "\n";
                        output += s1 + chevy.perform( ) + s2 + "\n";

                if ( audi.getSexy( ) == true ) {
                        output += honda.toString( ) + "\n";
                        output += s1 + audi.perform( ) + s2;

                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, output, "Sexy Cars", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
                System.exit( 0 );