// AreaJOptionPaneApplet.java // Calculates the area of a rectangle given two integer sides // Uses JOptionPane to prompt for inputs // import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class AreaJOptionPaneApplet extends JApplet{ // instance variables String widString, hgtString; int w, h, a; public void init( ) { // read in width as a String widString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the width as an integer" ); // convert the String to an integer w = Integer.parseInt( widString ); // read in height as a String hgtString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the height as an integer" ); // convert the String to an integer h = Integer.parseInt( hgtString ); // compute the area a = w * h; } public void paint( Graphics g ) { // display the area as a String g.drawString( "The area of the square equals " + a, 25,25 ); // draw the rectangle scaled by a factor of 10 for looks g.fillRect( 25, 100, 10 * w, 10 * h ); } }