// ActionListenerDemo.java
// Basics of the ActionListener interface
// Basics of GUI components
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class ActionListenerDemo extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
        // GUI Components
        JLabel l;
        JTextField tIn, tOut;
        JButton b;
        public void init( ) {
                Container c = getContentPane( );
                c.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );

                l = new JLabel( "This is a label" );
                c.add( l );

                tIn = new JTextField( "This is a text field", 30 );
                tIn.addActionListener( this );
                c.add( tIn );

                tOut = new JTextField( 30 );
                tOut.setEditable( false );
                c.add( tOut );

                b = new JButton( "Button" );
                b.addActionListener( this );
                c.add( b );

        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                if ( e.getSource( ) == tIn )
                        tOut.setText( "It was a text field event" );
                        tOut.setText( "It was a button event" );