
"My job is to help bring it in and find a home for it with somebody who'll nurture it, or to help them in getting the resources they need, the talent and the expertise, and to pitch in myself where I can."

Emory Zimmers has a contract with the state of Pennsylvania to make Pennsylvania an Agile demonstration site.

"My role here is to give workshops for people who want to understand what Agility is."

Mike Groover has a contract with MIT, helping General Motors Saganau(???), Ford stamping plant, and Ford Aerospace understand the impact of Agility.

"In this project I am the advisor of one of the Ph.D. students, and I also help to make sure the program stays on track."

The Ben Franklin program has a contract experimenting with the Agile Web and virtual organizations.

"I work with the CEO's to find out their companies' core competencies."

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