Blink Picture Gallery

Note: you are welcome to use my pictures as you see fit. However, I would appreciate credit for scanning them in the form of a link. Thanx, and enjoy!

Last Updated: August 8th, 1999

Pics By Issue:

Pictures designated by "(*R)" are courtesy of Ryoga's Blink Page.
Pictures designated by "(*L)" are courtesy of J. Logan Meller (

Uncanny X-Men 317
Against Harvest
Face Shot (*R)
X-Men 37
Saying Good-Bye
Ensnared by the Phalanx! (*R)
What If 75
Blink taking out the cosmic being, The Inbetweener!
Blink as a cosmic entity: The Inbetween-Blink!

Tales of the Age of Apocalypse
Being caught by Morph
Dropping in with Scott
X-Men Alpha
Here's the Blink from cover of Alpha with or without the surrounding background. (Scanning foil covers isn't fun:))
Blink advancing

Astonishing X-Men 1
Flashing Eyes
Blink and Nightcrawler (*L)
Blink and Gambit (*L)
Pointing out danger (*L)
Astonishing X-Men 2
Generic picture
Blink saying farewell to 'Tooth (*L)
Astonishing X-Men 3
Blink and Rogue
Blink finds Sabretooth
Upset (*L)
With Sunfire (*L)
Astonishing X-Men 4
From the cover
Holding a Dart
The same pose, with black background (*L)
Dropping in on Holocaust
Striking a cool pose
Amazing X-Men 4
Morph consoles Blink
X-Men: Omega
Another Generic pose
X-Men 56
In X-Man's head

Other Pictures:

Ultimate Edition, Astonishing X-Men (v.1)
A Joe Madureira sketch
Wizard 72
The Wizard 72 poster
Astonishing X-Men (v.2) Promo art
Promo art, with Blink
Blink Figure
See the figure page.
Blink Overpower
See the Overpower page.
Blink in WWF video games
See the WWF Warzone and WWF Attitude pages.

Fan Art:

shialeah (
Blink Sketch

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