
XUtils>Spectrum filter>First derivative
XUtils>Spectrum filter>Second derivative
XUtils>Spectrum filter>Fixed tophat
XUtils>Spectrum filter>Adjusted tophat

Current Function Version: 0.2 (Jan./22/'08)

Brief Description
These functions filter spectrum. Currently, following filters are availabe:
  1. First derivative filter
  2. Second derivative filter
  3. Fixed tophat filter (tophat lobe is fixed to the energy resolution at 5.9 keV)
  4. Adjusted tophat filter (tophat lobe is adjusted from lower to higher energy region)

Open a spectrum in Gatan DigitalMicrograph. Make sure that the opened spectrum is the front image, and then select XUtils>Spectrum filter>X (= one of filters) from the menu bar. Then, filtered spectrum appears. Note that the value of energy resolution is required for tophat filters.

Here are the results of filters applied to an X-ray spectrum from a NiOx thin film. The originalpectrum is as follows:
  1. First derivative filter

  2. Second derivative filter

  3. Fixed tophat filter

  4. For tophat filtering, the energy resolution of spectrum is essential. Once one of tophat filters is selected from the menu bar, following dialog appears to input the energy resolution.
    Insert the energy resolution value, and then click OK. The tophat filtered spectrum appears.
  5. Adjusted tophat filter

  6. For XEDS detectors, the energy resolution changes depending on the X-ray energy position linearly. The Fixed tophat filter uses a fixed value of the energy resolution to define the tophat lobe size. In this adjusted tophat filter, conversely, the tophat lobe varies from smaller to larger size linearly depending on the energy resolution at the energy position. To use the adjusted tophat filter, again the energy resolution value of the XEDS detector is required. The result of filtered spectrum is shown as follows.
