Elementary Japanese 1 (JPNS1)

Time & Places:

Section 1-MWF 10:10-11:00am, Lewis Lab 512

Section 2-MWF 2:10-3:00pm, Lewis Lab 512

Lab Section 1-TR 10:45-11:35am, Maginnes 270

Lab Section 2-TR 12:10-1:00pm, Maginnes 270


Kiri Lee (Course head:kjl2)

Ellen Bearn (Lab section: ecb4)

Maginnes Rm 513, tel:8-4490(office) 8-3090(dep't)

Office Hours:

Lee:Mon&Wed. 11:00-12:00, and by appointment.

Bearn:Thurs. 1:00-2:00, and by appointment.

Japanese:The Spoken Language,Part 1,Jorden and Noda,Yale University Press.
Japanese: The Written Language, Part 1, Jorden and Noda, Chen and Tsui Company.
Handy Katakana/Hiragana Workbook, Y.M.Shimazu, Shimazu and Associates, San Francisco
Course Packet.
All are available at Lehigh Bookstore.


Accompanying tapes are available for purchase at IMRC for $2.00 each. IMRC is located in Room 470 of Magines Hall.


Attendace 15%

Lesson Quizzes 30%

Oral evaluations 15%

Assignments 20%

Final Exam 20%

Course Policies


Unexcused absence will not be tolerated in this course. Any student who misses seven classes without legitimate excuse will automatically get an F for the course.If you must miss a class, please inform your instructors in advance or immediately after the absence, and make an appointment to review the material you missed. When you have a legitimate reason for absence, your absence will not count against you. Legitimate reasons include illness, field trips made as part of another course, official school sorts activities, etc. You must show a letter from an appropriate person in order to validate your reason. Our office phone has a voice mail service, so please leave a message when we are not there. You can also communicate with us through E-mail abd by leaving a message to our department secretary.

Late Assignments:

Due dates for all the assignments are specifically written on the Schedule distributed in the class. These dates are strictly observed. Of course, we encourage you to turn in assignments even though they are late. However, unless you obtain ermission from us in advance, your late assignments will have 10% deduction for up to 2 days delay, and more thereafter.

Make-up for missed quizzes:

Unless you inform us prior to missing a quiz with a legitimate reason, we will not give you any make-up quiz. There will be no exceptions to this policy. The dates for the quizzes are written in the Schedule so that you will have plenty of time to prepare.

Course Objectives and Procedures:

In this course, stuents will learn how to communicate orally on a limited number of topics realated to daily life. In order to develop fluency, you are not allowed to look at the textbook in class unless you are instructed to do so.

In order to participate fully in class, you must preview each lesson and memorize the "Core Conversations" (CC), using the accompanying audio tapes. This will involve at least two hours of preparation each day. When we begin a new section, you are required to perform some designated Core Conversations. Your performance will be evaluated as a part of Oral Evaluation.

Two kinds of kana (syllabic) systems will be introduced in the course. By the end of the course, you will be familiar with hiragana and katakana in Jpanaese.

The course meets every day for one hour. Usually, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, facts about the Japanese language are introduced in English(Fact Classes), and on Tusday&Thursday, exercises and practices are conducted in Japanese(Act Classes). "Act Classes" are conducted more intensively in Japanese with a minimum of English so that you have many opportunities to speak Japanese. No questions about grammer or structures should be asked in the Act Class.

At the end of each lesson, you will be expected to hand in your answers(in English) to the "Eavesdropping" assignments. The material for the Eavesdropping is included in the tape you purchase. There will be a written quiz on each lesson.

We will give you a detailed weekly schedule for every week. All the deadlines for assignments and quiz dates are listed there, and must be carefully observed.