Advanced Japanese
MWF 1:10-2:00 Maginnes 518
Th 11:110-12:00 Maginess 290
Instructor: Mari Hayashi
Office:Maginnes 532
Office Hours:12:00-1:00,and by appointment
Textbooks:An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, Akira Miura and Naomi Hanaoka McGolin, The Japan Times. Rapid Reading Japanese Improving Reading skills of Intermediate and Advanced students, Mayumi Oka, The Japan Times.
Attendance 10%
Lesson quizzes 30%
Oral evaluation 10%
Assignments, composition & other quizzes 30%
Final exam 20%
Course Objectives and Procedures:
This is a continuation of Intermediate Japanese 2. Students must have c- or above from Intermediate Japanese2 or the instructor's consent to take this course. Students will continue to improve upon their speaking, writing, reading and grammatical Japanese proficiency. Speaking assignments will be more open ended to encourage creative language use. Writing assignments will focus more on expressing ideas; Japanese word processing will be introduced. Rapid reading assignments will allow students to develop proficiency in skimming more advanced materials. In order to maximize your opportunities to speak in Japanese, you are allowed to speak only in Japanese during classes unless indicated otherwise by your instructor.
Course Policies:
Attendance:Unexcused absences will not be tolerated in this course. Any student who misses seven classes without legitimate excuse will automatically get an F for the course. If you must miss a class, please inform your instructor in advance or immediately after the absence, and make an appointment to review the material you missed. When you have a legitimate reason(illness, field trips made as a part of another course, official school sports activities, etc.)you must still show a letter from an appropriate person and notify me by email in advance in order to validate your reason.
Late Assignments:Due date for the assignments are specifically written in the weekly class schedule. These dates are strictly observed. Of course, I encourage you to turn in assignments even though they are late. However, unless you obtain permission from me in advance, your late assignments will have a 10 percent deduction for up to 2 days delay, and more thereafter.
Make-up for missed quizzes:Unless you inform me prior to missing a quiz with a legitimate reason, I will not give you any make-up quiz. There will be no exceptions to this policy. The dates for the quizzes are written in the weekly class schedule so that you will have plenty of time to prepare.