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Celebrations Ministry Team

Our team exists to be a witness to the many blessings that God has given this congregation and is a joy-filled expression of our thanksgiving for all that God does for and through us. We foster a sense of community and fellowship among the members of Christ Lutheran Church (Team Leader: June Alderfer).

Christian Education Ministry Team

We develop, oversee all educational programs (Sunday School, Confirmation, VBS, Adult Learning) of the congregation and promote the spiritual development of individuals and families (Team Leader: Karolin Brechbill).

Evangelism Ministry Team

Our team develops programs of outreach by encouraging members to share the good news of the gospel to the community (Team Leader: Paula Morris).

Property Ministry Team

Our team provides a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environement for our congregation and guests to our facilities (Team Leader: Chris Johnson).

Shepherd's Shelf Ministry Team

The Shepherd's Shelf team seeks to serve all persons of our community who request food assitstance with acceptance, love, and dignity. All persons are served without regard to race, religion, national origin, or any other factor. No attempt is ever made to ask those we serve to confess or adhere to any set of beliefs, nor shall membership in or support of Christ Lutheran be a requirement for our services (Team Leader: Sandy Thele).

Social Ministry Team

We identify needs and deliver services to the congregation, community, and the world through our focus on local and global mission and other activities that speak to the Church's mission to bring awareness of important issues, and being examples of God's love to all through service and mission (Team Leader: Kim Itterly).