Youth Organizations

Kids Club

Kids Club is a social group for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders that meets 4 times per year on Sunday afternoons. Events are mostly on-site and emphasize fellowship.

Tween Scene

Tween Scene is a social group for students in 5th and 6th grade. The group focuses on relationship building through fellowship, service, and fun and meets 4 times per year. Events include sleepovers, game nights, bowling events etc, and usually include an element of service to the community and/or the church.

Youth Group

Youth Group at CLC provides opportunities for students in 7th-12th grade that emphasize three vital components: spiritual growth, volunteerism/service and relationship building. Our events include: MLK Day of Service, Service/Work Days, Mission Trips, Intergenerational Dinner, Youth Winter Retreat, Youth Sunday, ELCA National Youth Gathering, 30 Hour Famine, and fellowship opportunities (sleepovers, trampoline parks, bowling, game nights etc).


Kids Club

Halloween Party!
October 30th - 4-5:30pm

Tween Scene

Bowling at Earl Bowl Lanes!
October 2nd - 4:30-7pm

Youth Group

Mid-Night Bowling and Sleepover!
September 16th - 10pm-10am (September 17th)

Agape Concert at Calvary Lutheran, West Chester!

September 25th - 6:30pm

Junior Youth Gathering!

(6th, 7th and 8th Graders only)
October 7th and 8th