John B. Gatewood

(Professor Emeritus)

Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Lehigh University
31 Williams Drive
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015-3126

Curriculum Vitae


RESEARCH REPORT: Belonger Perceptions of Tourism and Its Impacts in the Turks and Caicos Islands (PDF file, ~1 MB).
Final report to officials and citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands concerning our NSF-sponsored study of residents' understanding
of tourism. Data collected during 2006 and 2007; draft completed July, 2009; final report completed August, 2009.

F. K. LEHMAN ... booklet (PDF file, ~2 MB): Frederic Kris Lehman (U Chit Hlaing), Anthropologist and Teacher:
A collection of personal remembrances and reflections by some of his former students (2007)

See, also, the "In Memorium: F. K. Lehman" webpages at Northern Illinois University's Center for Burma Studies.
Last updated January 26, 2025, by




Guitar. Long ago, when the stones were soft, I used to make extra cash playing guitar and singing folk songs for lounge lizards. But, listening to the Gypsy Kings or Los Lobos forces me realize what an amateur I was.

Pool. Also used to play a fairly mean game of pool--nine-ball, straight pool, snooker, etc. Now I'm playing again, and the word is that I'm the "best player in my immediate family."

Movies. This is my life-long passion--flicks, motion pictures, the Big Screen! I'll be watching films as long as my eyes can see and they have popcorn at the theaters. More and more, however, I view old films on the small screen: TCM and AMC are my favorite movie channels.

Fishing. Definitely! There are few things I enjoy more than fishing on a lake or pond and contemplating the meaning of life (even figured it out once, but forgot).

Motorcycles. "If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand."

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Becoming Human (paleoanthropology)
Kinship and Social Organization
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Research Areas

To read works-in-progress (and comments are WELCOME), please follow these links:
"Differential knowledge concerning students in an academic institution" (1999, with Dawn E. Murray)
"Some formal contrasts between language and other forms of behavior-action" (1998)
"Ignorance, knowledge, and dummy categories: Social and cognitive aspects of expertise" (1996)
"Intracultural variability and problem-solving" (1993)
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