if - else    &   if - elseif - elseif - ….. else   & nested if   structures


A more complex form of the selection structures is given by if - else .

Look at the following diagram:

































Sequence of statement execution:


Block #1 will be executed


The condition of  the if statement will be checked


If the condition is true then block#2 will be executed and then block#4


If the condition is false then block#3 and then block#4 will be executed







Even more complex structures can be obtained by the use of if - elseif - elseif - ….. else  

See the following diagram















































Sequence of statement execution:


Block#0 will be executed


Condition#1 of  the if statement will be checked


If  condition#1 is true then block#1 will be executed and then we will jump to block#5


If  condition#1 is false then condition#2 will be checked


If condition#2 is true then block#2 will be executed and then we will jump again to block#5


If condition#2 is false then condition#3 will be checked


And so..on and so..on


If all conditions are false then block#4 will be executed and then block#5




An interactive example:  enter a value for x in the box and watch the output of the following segmant of a program:

( the blue shade indicates the active section of the structure)



x =




The code segmant:

The output:



a = 0.0;

b = 0.0;

cout << “\n\n all variables are initialized to zero;


if ( x <= 0.0 )


  a  = 1.0;

   b = 1.1;

   cout << “ \n\n you entered a negative x “;


else if ( x > 0.0 && x <= 1.0 )


    a = 2.0;

    b = 2.2;

    cout << “ \n\n you are in the range (0.0,1.0]”;


else if ( x > 1.0 && x <= 10.0 )


    a = 3.0;

    b = 3.3;

    cout << “ \n\n   one to ten is wide range “ ;




   a = 100.0;

   b = 100.0;

   cout << “ \n\n   unrealistic value for x “;


  cout << “ \n\n  a = “ << a << “  and   b=  “ << b;







Even more complex if structures: Nested ifs


Since each block of instructions in an if  structure can be any type of C++ code, it is possible to have other if structures as part of  some of the blocks of the original if structure.  The following diagram shows such a nested if structure:














































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