Sentinel Loops:

A very common usage of loops is the repetitive reading of data. This reading may be from the keyboard or from an existing data file which contains a long list of numbers.  In either case we need a method for signaling the end of the process.  A simple way is to use an unnatural value for the data entered, which will then be picked up by our loop condition ( or another if statement) .  For example if we are entering scores of exams, it is safe to choose -1 as this unnatural score, the sentinel value, which will terminate the loop.  Hence the user of the program may be instructed to enter the value -1 after all of the actual scores have been entered via the keyboard.  Or, the sentinel value -1 may be placed at the end of our data file. 
1. Structure your program in a way that the sentinel value is NOT processed as regular data. For example the do…..while(  cond. )  loop should not be used since it has to run at least one time. Another example is that the reading statement should be placed at the end of the while loop statements.
2. In the case of reading from a data file, an alternative approach is to let the program read to the end of the file.  We will discuss this later under input failure.
3. An alternative way of terminating data entry is to specify the number of data to be entered (if known ahead of time ) and structure the program as a counting loop.  We will discuss this later as well.
The following is an annotated example for scores entered via the keyboard.  It uses the concept of sentinel value.


Initial comments
/* Loops   while( condition ) {  statements   }
  file: 3ex1.cpp  (or used as 3ex1.appended)
FALL 1998
Jacob Y. Kazakia   jyk0
September 12, 1998
Programming example  1 of unit #3
Recitation Instructor: J.Y.Kazakia
Recitation Section  01 ___________________________________
  Purpose: This program reads a sequence of  test scores a, b, c, etc... and calculates the average of them.  The sequence is terminated when -1 is inserted as a test score. The scores entered as well as the average are outputted to a file called 3ex1report.txt with an appropriate heading.
Algorithm: The score entered is stored in the variable float score. Then the variable sum (which is float and initialized at the beginning to zero) is increased by the score:
           sum = sum + score    or equivalently   sum += score
           As the scores are entered an integer named count is increased so that the number of entries is registered.
           Finally we calculate: average = sum / count   and it is outputted.
The fstream.h header can support both file and default I/O
The stream report is created.
#include<iostream.h>   // header which contains the functions
                       // needed for default input and output
#include<fstream.h>    // header needed for file input output
void main()
ofstream report ( "3ex1report.txt", ios :: out);
Variables are declared and initialized
The first score is entered
The heading of the list is created.
float score ;   // the test score entered
float sum = 0;
float average;  // the average score
int count = 0;  // counter of scores entered . It starts as zero,
                // ends as the total number of scores.
cout<<" \n\n  Enter the first score  (-1 to terminate)   " ;
cin >> score;
report << "\n\n This is the list of scores entered \n\n";
The while loop. It will run as long as the scores entered are nonnegative.
Note that the reading of the next score is done as the last statement.
while ( score >= 0)             // read the scores and add them up
   count = count + 1;
   report << " score # " << count << "  is  " << score << endl;
   sum = sum + score;
   cout << "  \n Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   " ;
   cin >> score;
The if structure in this part makes sure that the count and average are not outputted to the file if the user terminates the loop at the very start ( avoids division by zero as well).
if ( count > 0 )
     average = sum / count;
     report << " \n\n number of scores entered : "<< count ;
     report << ". The average score is  "<< average ;
The results are sent to the report file. We output the Done! Statement to the screen so that the user is informed. We could have given the name of the report file (better ?)
cout << " \n \n  Done! " ;
The output to the default window and the contents of the report file are illustrated.
cout << " \n\n  Enter e(exit) to exit    ...";
char hold;
cin >> hold;
  Enter the first score  (-1 to terminate)   97
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   83
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   76
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   95
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   88
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   34
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   56
 Enter  the next score ( -1 terminates)   -1
  Enter e(exit) to exit    ...
  This is the list of scores entered
 score # 1  is  97
 score # 2  is  83
 score # 3  is  76
 score # 4  is  95
 score # 5  is  88
 score # 6  is  34
 score # 7  is  56
 number of scores entered : 7. The average score is  75.5714