Unit# 9- MATLAB 2
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MATLAB: Control Structures- loops
As you read this material we strongly recommend that you activate your MATLAB window and try the commands explained right there and then.

In MATLAB we will use the while and for loops. They are very similar to the ones we learned in C++. The following tables illustrate the similarities/differences:

while structure in  C++

while structure in MATLAB


 while( fabs(dx) > 0.0001)


fprime = 3*pow(x,2) - 5;

f = pow(x,3) ­ 5 * x + 3;

dx = f / fprime;

x = x ­ dx;


 while( abs(dx) > 0.0001)

fprime = 3*x^2 - 5;

f = x ^ 3 ­ 5 * x  +3;

dx = f / fprime;

x = x ­ dx;


Use abs for absolute value

No need for brackets end plays the role of the bracket

no need for pow function, use ^ for exponent.

The following pictures illustrate a complete program in MATLAB which utilizes the above segment. The condition is slightly different to make sure the program does not fall into an infinite loop.

The results are shown here:


 In the while structure,  another difference between C++ and MATLAB is that the condition of while may be actually a condition on arrays.  The following example illustrates this in a very simple way:

we see that as soon one of the components of the array evaluates to false, the loop terminates.


We can now study the for structure. The following table illustrates the similarities/differences:

for structure in  C++

for structure in MATLAB


 for( k = 1; k <=10; k++)


factorial = factorial * k;

cout << k <<”      “<< factorial;


for  k = 1:1:10

factorial = factorial * k;

fprintf(‘ %i %i’, k,factorial);



(if the increment is not specified is taken as 1)

No need for brackets end plays the role of the bracket

The following pictures show the complete .m file and the results of running it in MATLAB.

Again in the for structure,  another difference between C++ and MATLAB is that   the for index  may be actually set equal to a matrix.  Then the loop starts by using as index the first column of the array, then the second column etc. until the last column is used.

The following example illustrates this in a very simple way:

Jacob Y. Kazakia © 2001 All rights reserved