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Vision statement:

Jews and Gentiles, worshipping one God, learning, and loving one another.

"Jews and Gentiles":
HaShem called the children of Israel to become a "light to the nations" (Isaiah 51:4, 60:3). Messiah Yeshua was "sent to the lost sheep of Israel" and sends us to do likewise (Matt 15:24, 10:6). Thus God's plan is "to the Jew first, then to the Gentile" (Rom 1:16, 2:9,10). Some from the nations are called to embrace this plan, lovingly taking hold of the Jew by the hem (tzitzit) and saying "Let us go with you, for we hear that God is with you" (Zech 8:23). Messiah has made the two one (Eph 2:15), for God does not show partiality (Deut 10:17, Rom 2:11). Practically, we affirm our own peculiarly Jewish calling by observing the Shabbat and Jewish festivals, honoring Torah, getting involved in the Jewish community locally and internationally, helping to restore Jewish roots in the Church, and presenting the good news of Messiah to the world.

"Worshipping one God":
The oneness of God (Deut 6:4, Zech 14:9) is the basis of our own unity (Ps 133:1). Our worship also reflects the creative diversity of God (Ps 150). In our worship, there is a time for traditional Jewish liturgy and a time for expression of spiritual gifts, a time for stillness and a time for joyful dance.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching...and training in righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16). The study of Torah (which literally means "instruction") equips us and enables us to pass on a heritage to our children, both physical and spiritual.

"Loving one another":
We believe God ordains relationships of covenant love (Deut 7:9, 1 Sam 18:1), which strengthen the unity of the Spirit. God ordains relationships that are personal (Ecc 4:12, hence we take time to form personal relationships outside of meetings), corporate (Rom 12:5, hence we consider congregational membership a covenant) and trans-congregational (1 Cor 16, hence we are members of Tikkun and IAMCS and support Share the Power), Eph 4:11-12). We serve (Eph 4:3 notes that "keeping the unity of the Spirit" takes "every effort") and encourage one another, practice hospitality, bear one another's burdens, and rejoice in each other's joys (Rom 12:9-15).

We are Beit Simcha, "House of Joy"!