To a large degree, my active research
projects mirror those of my graduate students.
Read on to learn about the recent activities of our research group.
(1) Geomorphic geodesy of CEUS intraplate seismicity
(2) Active Tectonics of Italy with a
focus on Sicily and Umbro-Marche Apennines
(3) Neogene-Quaternary fluvial stratigraphy of the Appalachian Piedmont
Neogene-Quaternary sedimentology, stratigraphy, soils and
(5) Fluvial terrace genesis, long profiles, knickpoints, and incision
(6) Exogenic vs Autogenic processes and encoding in landforms and Quaternary sediments
Active Tectonics of Mongolia
(9) NSF RETREAT (REtreating TRench, Extension, and Accretion Tectonics)
(10) Active Tectonics of Crete
(11) Rivers, landuse, and the human dimension
(12) Geologic Research in the Rocky Mountains
updated August, 2021
Wolin, E., Stein, S., Pazzaglia, F. J., Meltzer, A., Kafka, A., and Berti, C., 2012, Mineral, Virginia earthquake illustrates seismicity of a passive-aggressive margin: Geophysical Research Letters, 39, doi:10.1029/2011GL050310. PDF
C., Pazzaglia, F. J., Meltzer, A. S., and Harrison, R. J., 2014,
Geomorphic evidence for persistent, cumulative deformation of the
Virginia Piedmont in the vicinity of the 23 August, 2011 Mineral
earthquake: Geological Society of America Special Paper, 509,
doi:10.1130/2015.2509(21). PDF
H., 2015, New Quaternary
geochronometric constraints on river incision in the Virginia
Piedmont: Relative contributions of climate, base level fall,
knickpoint retreat, and active tectonics: M.S. Thesis, Bethlehem, PA,
89 p. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Carter, M., 2015, Geomorphology, active tectonics, and landscape evolution in the Mid-Atlantic Region, in Brezinski, D. K., Halka, J. P., and Ortt, R. A. Jr., eds., Tripping from the Fall Line: Field Excursions for the GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2015, Geological Society of America Field Guide FLD40. Non-copyedited Pre-Print.
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Gonzales, J. M., 2020, RIver knickpoint paleogeodesy and measurement of crustal deformation in the Central Virginia seismic zone (CVSZ) and Reading Lancaster seismic zone (RLSZ): Report for USGS Award G18AP00061. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., Malenda, H.F.,
McGavick, M. L., Raup, C., Carter, M.W., Berti, C., Mahan, S.,
Nelson, M., Rittenour, T.M., Counts, R., Willenbring, J.,
Germanoski, D., Peters, S. C., and Holt, W.D., 2021, River terrace
evidence of tectonic processes in the eastern North American plate
interior, South Anna River, Virginia: Journal of Geology, 000,
000-000. PDF
(2) Active tectonics of Italy,
with a focus on Sicily and Umbro-Marche Apennines
Summary: Well...Italy is a pretty spectacular place, geology and active tectonics notwithstanding. I have two active areas of interest in Italy:
(1) Along with my post-doc Francesco Pavano, colleagues at the University of Catania in the research group of Stefano Catalano, and colleagues in the research group of Sean Gallen at CSU, we are looking to learn more about the steadiness of tectonic forcing, geomorphic response, erosion rates over Pleistocene time scales, and the non-linear relationship between erosion and normalized steepness of long profiles in northeast Sicily. We remain enthusiastic about what we can learn from this remarkable island located in a complex plate boundary setting. Bestiale! There are emerging opportunities here for graduate research.
The photo below is a panorama of Pian Grande at Castelluccio,
Italy. The photo of the beautiful place was taken just two
weeks before the devastating sequence of earthquakes on large normal
faults that has resulted in hundreds of deaths, serious damage to
critical infrastructure, and irrevocable cultural history losses in
the Apennines of central Italy.
Here is the fault that ruptured in August at M 6.2.
Segments both north and south of this fault ruptured through January, 2017. The entire seismic sequence is visualized here:
models proposed to explain the seismicity in central Italy, such
as the one forwarded by
our work in the northern Apennines, or in a recent Terra
Nova paper, can be tested using tectonic
geomorphology. Here is a recent application of a linear
inversion of fluvial topography to test models for the development of
transverse drainages throughout the Italian Peninsula. This work
has been completed with MS student James Fisher.
(Left) Italian Peninsula showing catchments (in red) where the base level fall history have been reconstructed by a linear inversion of fluvial topography. (Right) Combined median τ-U plots for the (a) northern Apennine, (b) central Apennine, and (c) southern Apennine catchments, with accompanied representative χ-z plots and the cumulative uplift curves for a representative catchment for the past 3 Ma. Transparent red line is the respective mean τ-U. This mean does not include the Tronto catchment in (b). P = possible examples of stream piracy and loss of drainage area; C = possible examples of stream capture and growth of drainage area.
Pavano, F., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Catalano, S., 2016, Knickpoints as geomorphic markers of active tectonics: A case study from northeastern Sicily (southern Italy): Lithosphere, 8, 633-648. PDF
F. and Gallen, S. F., in press, A geomorphic examination of
the Calabrian Forearc Translation: Tectonics, 000, 000-000.
F. J. and
Fisher, J., 2021, A
reconstruction of Apennine uplift history and the development of
transverse drainages from longitudinal profile inversion, in
Koeberl, C., Claeys, P., and Montanari, S., eds, From the Guajira
desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean microplates to the
Mexican killer asteroid: Geological Society of America Special
Paper 000, 000-000. PDF
(3) Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphy of the Appalachian Piedmont (USGS EDMAP G13AC0015).
Summary: The fluvial
stratigraphy of the Appalachian Piedmont and Inner Coastal Plain, long
a research interest of mine, has a renewed focus given the detailed
investigations of the South Anna River following the Mineral
Earthquake in 2011. New OSL ages are helping build a complex
stratigraphy of this slowly eroding landscape where river incision
appears to be growing relief against a backdrop of epeirogeny,
eustatic fall, and local intraplate seismicity. Me and my
colleagues including Mark
Carter and Helen
Malenda (USGS), Tammy
Rittenour (Utah State), and Jane
Willenbring (Stanford) have a growing research agenda here with
many opportunities for graduate students.
And a final correlation of the terraces, showing a growth anticline near the surface projection of the earthquake rupture (HFR).
C., Pazzaglia, F. J., Meltzer, A. S., and Harrison, R. J., 2014,
Geomorphic evidence for persistent, cumulative deformation of the
Virginia Piedmont in the vicinity of the 23 August, 2011 Mineral
earthquake: Geological Society of America Special Paper, 509,
doi:10.1130/2015.2509(21). PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Carter, M., 2015, Geomorphology, active tectonics, and landscape evolution in the Mid-Atlantic Region, in Brezinski, D. K., Halka, J. P., and Ortt, R. A. Jr., eds., Tripping from the Fall Line: Field Excursions for the GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2015, Geological Society of America Field Guide FLD40. Non-copyedited Pre-Print.
Pazzaglia, F. J., Malenda, H.F., McGavick, M. L., Raup, C., Carter, M.W., Berti, C., Mahan, S., Nelson, M., Rittenour, T.M., Counts, R., Willenbring, J., Germanoski, D., Peters, S. C., and Holt, W.D., 2021, River terrace evidence of tectonic processes in the eastern North American plate interior, South Anna River, Virginia: Journal of Geology, 000, 000-000. PDF
(4) Neogene-Quaternary sedimentology,
stratigraphy, soils, and paleoclimate.
Summary: In all of the landscapes that I have worked, I have been fascinated by the Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphy, sedimentology, and (paleo)soils of mostly unconsolidated deposits and the implications these deposits have for paleoenvironments and paleoclimates. In a warming world where CO2 levels are at 400 ppm and climbing, it is not lost on anyone that super interglacials of the middle Pleistocene, perhaps like OIS 11, and pre-glacial warm periods, like the middle Pliocene, are good analogs for the world our kids and grandkids are going to inherit. The more we learn about these paleoenvironments now, the better prepared we are for what seems to be a warmer future. Along with my college Steve Peters (Lehigh, geochemistry) and M.S. student Laura Markley, we are beginning to explore paleoenvironmental conditions of the middle Pleistocene and Mio-Pliocene for ancient deposits preserved in the Appalachians and on the Inner Coastal Plain of the mid-Atlantic region. We are looking for more students who want to pursue similar projects.
Oblique-air view, from Google Earth, of an alluvial fan spilling out of South Mountain onto the floor of the Great Valley, at Mainsville, PA. Gravel quarry operations offer access to the Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphy of these Appalachian surficial deposits.
Comparison of the FeO/FeD ratio for a number of soils formed in old alluvium and colluvium in the Mid-Atlantic region (gray bars). The Mainsville deposits are labeled MV.
to download a summary poster of our data, presented at the 2019 Amtrak
Conference at F&M.
Pazzaglia, F. J., Robinson, R., and Traverse, A., 1997, Palynology of the Bryn Mawr Formation (Miocene): Insights on the age and genesis of middle Atlantic margin fluvial deposits: Sedimentary Geology, v. 108, p. 19-44. PDF
Pederson, J. P., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Smith, G., 2000, Ancient hillslope deposits: Missing links in the study of climate controls on sedimentation: Geology, v. 28, p. 27-30. PDF
Pederson, J. L., Smith, G. A., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2001, Comparing the modern, Quaternary, and Neogene records of climate-controlled hillslope sedimentation in Southeast Nevada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 113, no. 3, p. 305-319. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and
Hawley, J. W., 2004, Neogene
(rift flank) and Quaternary geology and Geomorphology in, Mack, G. and
Giles, K., eds., The Geology of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological
Society Special Publication 11, Albuquerque, NM, p. 407-437. PDF PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., 2014, Brief thoughts on long-term landscape evolution in the mid-Atlantic region with a focus on the Pond Bank lignite, in Anthony, R., Pennsylvania's Great Valley and bordering mountains near Carlisle: Guidebook, 79 th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, 23-34. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., Peters, S. C., and Cummins, K. T., 2014, Late Cenozoic sedimentology, stratigraphy, and pedogenesis of the Furnace Creek fan exposed in the Valley Quarries pit, Mainsville, PA, in Anthony, R., Pennsylvania's Great Valley and bordering mountains near Carlisle: Guidebook, 79 th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, 101-112. PDF
Blake, J. M., Dykman, J.
N., Peters, S. C., and Pazzaglia, F.J., in
prep., A pedologic, geomorphic, and geochemical approach to
understanding weathering in the Critical Zone in central PA.
(5) Fluvial terrace genesis, long
profiles, knickpoints, and incision.
Rivers and terraces represent the core data set that my students and I
collect to understand landscape evolution, climate change, and active
tectonics. I am interested in working with any student that
wants to forward our understanding of how rivers make terraces and
what modulated unsteadiness in river incision. I am particularly
interested in modeling the processes that carve straths. This
research involves a good deal of field work and integration of
Quaternary geochronology such as OSL and cosmogenics. I have
numerous collaborators on these projects, all listed as co-authors in
the publications below.
Photos from left: strath and strath terrace at Marzabotto, Italy; outwash terraces in from Snake River Overlook, Grand Teton N.P.; straths and strath terraces, Holtwood Gorge, Susquehanna River, PA; terraces of the Jemez valley, New Mexico.
(Left) Holocene strath forming intervals for the Clearwater River, Washington State. (Right) Terrace formation and long-term incision for the Jemez River, New Mexico.
We have an on-going research project in southwestern PA, using the Youghiogheny River and Ohiopyle State Park to investigate terrace genesis, correlation, and base level fall (uplift) of the Laurel Highlands. This work involves a large collaborative effort with the PA Geological Survey and Ohiopyle State Park to understand the origin and evolution of waterfalls and rapids of the Youghiogheny River. New cosmogenic exposure, burial, and isochron ages as well as steady-state erosion rates constrain linear inversion models of fluvial topography and shed new light on the age of Glacial Lake Monongahela and the Carmichaels Formation.
(a) Geologic map of southwestern PA around the Youghiogheny
River. (b) inset detail of Ohiopyle State Park. (c) Exposure
of Carmichaels Fm fluvial-lacustrine facies. (d) Photo of Ohiopyle
Falls. (Right) Map of terraces and TCN ages in the
Ohiopyle-Ferncliff region.
correlation of terraces along the Yoghiogheny River, showing offset
related to ongling uplift of the Laurel Highlands relative to the
Pittsburgh low plateau. (from Kurak et al., 2021).
T. W., Hare, P. W., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Sasowsky, I. D., 1987,
Evolution of drainage systems along a convergent plate margin, Pacific
Coast, Costa Rica, in Graf, W. L., ed., Geomorphic systems of North
America: The Geology of North America, Decade of North American
Geology, Geological Society of America, special centennial volume 2,
Boulder, Colorado, p. 357-372. PDF
F. J.
and Gardner, T. W., 1993,
Fluvial terraces of the lower
Formento-Trigilio, M. L. and Pazzaglia, F.J., 1998, Tectonic geomorphology of Sierra Nacimiento; traditional and new techniques in assessing long-term landscape evolution of the southern Rocky Mountains: Journal of Geology, v. 106, p. 433-453. PDF
F. J.,
Gardner, T. W., and Merritts, D., 1998,
Bedrock fluvial incision and longitudinal profile development over
geologic time scales determined by fluvial terraces, in
Wohl, E. and Tinkler, K., eds., Bedrock Channels: American Geophysical
Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, v. 107, p. 207-235.
B. J., Evenson, E. B., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Epstein, J., 2001,
Knickzone propagation in the Black Hills and northern High Plains; a
different perspective on the late Cenozoic exhumation of the Laramide
Rocky Mountains: Geology, v. 29, no. 6, p. 547-550. PDF
F. J.
and Brandon, M. T., 2001,
A fluvial record of long-term steady-state uplift and erosion across
the Cascadia forearc high, western
K. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2002,
Holocene strath terraces, climate change, and active tectonics: the
Wisniewski, P. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2002, Epeirogenic controls on Canadian River incision and landscape evolution, High Plains of northeastern New Mexico: Journal of Geology, v. 110, n. 4, p. 437-456. PDF
Tomkin, J.H., Brandon, M.T., Pazzaglia, F.J., Barbour, J.R., Willett, S.D., 2003, Quantitative testing of bedrock incision models, Clearwater River, NW Washington State, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, no. B6, 2308, doi:10.1029/2001JB000862. PDF
Etheredge, D., Gutzler, D. S., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2004, Geomorphic response to seasonal variations in rainfall in the Southwest United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 116, p. 606-618. PDF
Pearce, S. A., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Eppes, M. C., 2004, Ephemeral stream response to growing folds: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 116, p. 1223-1239. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., 2005, River responses to Ice Age (Quaternary) climates in New Mexico, in Lucas, S. G., Morgan, G. S., and Zeigler, K. E., eds., New Mexico’s Ice Ages: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin No 28., p. 115-124. PDF
Zaprowski, B., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Evenson, E. B., 2005, Climatic influences on profile concavity and river incision: Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, v. 110, F03004, doi:10.1029/2004JF000138. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., J. Selverstone, M. Roy, K Steffen, S. Newland-Pearce, W. Knipscher, and J. Pearce, 2007, Geomorphic expression of midcrustal extension in convergent orogens: Tectonics, 26, TC6010, doi:10.1029/2006TC001961. PDF
Wegmann, K. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2009, Late Quaternary fluvial terraces of the Romagna and Marche Apennines, Italy: Climatic, lithologic, and tectonic controls on terrace genesis in an active orogen: Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 137-165. PDF
Pazzaglia F.J., 2013,
Fluvial Terraces, in, John F. Shroder (Editor-in-chief), Wohl, E.
(Volume Editor), Treatise on Geomorphology, Vol 9, Fluvial
Geomorphology, San Diego: Academic Press, p. 379-412. PDF
Gallen, S. F., Pazzaglia, F.J., Wegmann, K.W., Pederson, J.L., Gardner, T.W., 2015, The dynamic reference frame of rivers and apparent transience in incision rates: Geology,v. 43, no. 43, p. 623-626, doi:10.1130/G36692.1. PDF
Schmidt, J. L., Zeitler, P. K., Pazzaglia, F. J., Tremblay, M. M., Schuster, D. L., and Fox, M., 2015, Knickpoint evolution on the Yarlung River: Evidence for late Cenozoic uplift of the southeastern Tibet plateau margin: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 448-457. PDF
Sembroni, A., Molin, P., Pazzaglia, F. J., Faccenna, C., and Abebe, B., 2016, Evolution of continental-scale drainage in response to mantle dynamics and surface processes: An example from the Ethiopian Highlands: Geomorphology, 261, 12-29. PDF
Kurak, E., Pazzaglia, F. J., Li, C.X., Patching, A., Shaulis, J., Corbett, L., Bierman, P., Nelson, M., and Rittenour, T., 2021, Incision of the Youghiogheny River through the Laurel Highlands determined by a new river terrace stratigraphic age model, Ohiopyle State Park, southwestern Pennsylvania: Guidebook, 85th Field Conference of PA geologists. PDF
F. J., in press - 2022, Fluvial Terraces, in Shroder, J., (Editor-in-chief), Wohl, E. (Volume
Editor), Treatise on Geomorphology, second edition, v. 9, Fluvial
Geomorphology, Elsevier Academic Press. PDF
Left: The Clearwater basin, sampling locations, and preliminary erosion rates. Right: Erosion rates for Miller and Wilson creeks. Note the differences in rates as a function of grain size and sampling location (headwaters vs stream mouth). Detailed interpretation of these data are explained below in the Belmont et al publication.
Pearce, J. P., Pazzaglia, F. J., Evenson, E. B., Germanoski, D., Alley, R., Lawson, D., and Denner, J., 2003, Bedload component of glacially discharged sediment: Insights from the Matanuska Glacier: Geology, v. 31, p. 7-10. PDF
Belmont, P., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Gosse, J. C., 2007, Cosmogenic 10Be as a tracer for hillslope and channel sediment dynamics: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264, 123-135. PDF
Left to Right: Example of growth strata exposed in the Stirone River,
variability in magnetic susceptibility and the geomagnetic time scale,
and Milankovitch-tuned folding unsteadiness.
Growth strata along the Enza River, San Paolo d'Enza, Italy. (right)
Measured section, rock magnetic susceptibility, and obliquity
periodicity. The dashed lines indicate a possible tuning
of the MS record that argues for a steady sediment accumulation
rate. The red lines indicate a possible tuning of the MS
record assuming unsteady sediment accumulation and hiatuses,
represented by the soils and unconformities. (from the M.S.
thesis of Katrina Gelwick).
most recent, NSF-funded project along with my colleagues Francesco Pavano, Stefano
Catalano, Nicole
Gasparini, Tammy
Rittenour, and MS student Ben Bliss. We have defined a
study site in northeastern Sicily that offers an excellent
opportunity to explore the encoding of exogenic and autogenic
geomorphic processes recorded (or not) in sedimentary
sequences. Here is an outcrop that we suspect represents at
least two inset fan-delta complexes deposited during eustatic
highstands during the middle to late Pleistocene. The
deposits on the left represent distributary mouth bars and
channels and are part of the older fan-delta that we suspect to be
MIS 7.1 in age. The deposit on the right, inset against the
buttress unconformity are the fluvial facies of a younger
fan-delta that we suspect to be related to MIS 5.5.
We are able to directly link these deposits back to the watershed that delivered the sediment, so it is a small, well constrained, source to sink system.
fan delta deposits are rhythmically-bedded. We do not know
why, especially since common autogenic processes like delta-lobe
switching should be stochastic and effectively shred any exogenic
forcing. But, clearly, there is a cylclicity in the
bedding. We do not yet know the time represented by our
measured section, but with pending OSL geochronology, we should be
able to link this cyclicity to known exogenic or autogenic
forcings in the watershed. We have a proposal pending at NSF
to do just that.
Gunderson, K. L., Pazzaglia, F. J., Picotti, V., Anastasio, D. J., Kodama, K. P., Rittenour, T., Franke, K. F., Ponza, A., Berti, C., Negri, A., and Sabbatini, A., 2014, Unraveling tectonic and climatic controls on synorogenic stratigraphy: Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126, 532-552. PDF
Gunderson, K. L., Anastasio, D. J., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Picotti, V., 2013, Fault slip rate variability on 104-105 yr timescales for the Salsomaggiore blind thrust fault, Northern Apennines, Italy: Tectonophysics, 609, 356-365. PDF
Gunderson, K. L., Anastasio, D. J., Kodama, K. P., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2012, Rock-magnetic cyclostratigraphy for the late Pleistocene Stirone section, northern Apennine mountain front, Italy, in Jovane, L., Housen, B., Herrero-Berrera, E., and Hinnov, L., eds., Temporal variation of geological processes revealed by magnetic methods: Geological Society of London, Special Publication 373, doi:10.1144/SP373.8 PDF
Gunderson, K. L., Anastasio, D. J., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Kodama, K. P., 2018, Intrinsically variable blind thrust faulting: Tectonics, 37, doi:10.1029/2017TC004917 PDF
have had the amazing opportunity to travel to Mongolia in the summers
of 2017 and 2019, working with Lehigh colleagues Anne S Meltzer and
Peter K. Zeitler and colleagues at the Geophysics Institute in
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to explore the active tectonics, and Cenozoic
landscape and tectonic development of this incredible geologic
wonderland. The results of my contributions to this research and
nice summary of what we are trying to do is summarized here, in this
poster presented at the GSA 2020 annual meeting.
Summary: The
Appalachian Mountains provide a setting where we can investigate the
long-term erosion of an orogen that has persisted for hundreds of
millions of years. We link geomorphic studies using field and
GIS/DEM data with apatite U-Th/He thermochronologic studies. What
we are learning is that long-term rates of erosion have been very slow
in the Appalachians and are probably characterized by rates on the order
of 10 to 20 m/m.y. The Appalachian landscape continues to evolve,
as indicated by non-steady shifts in drainage divides between major
transverse rivers, but the lag-times in such a slowly eroding system are
so large, that there exists a wide range of fluvial
disequilibrium. We are currently testing the possibility that
large volumes of late Tertiary offshore sediment are link primarily to
these drainage-divide adjustments, perhaps linked to a geodynamic
process, rather than global climate change. I'm conducting this
research with Peter
Zeitler, Bruce
Idleman, Ryan McKeon,
and Eva Enkelmann. Check out our latest paper below with Andrew Moodie on continental divide mobility
applied in the Appalachians.
History of post-orogenic erosion in the Appalachians
illustrating unsteadiness and possible epeirogenic and geomorphic
processes driving that unsteadiness. (a) Cross-section oriented
orthogonal to the New Jersey continental shelf showing the accumulation
of siliclastic detritus eroded from the post-orogenic Appalachians and
preserved in the Baltimore Canyon trough (BCT) (Pazzaglia and Brandon,
1996). (b) Detrital AHe data from New England, representative of
an Appalachian-wide data set that argues for broad cooling of the rocks
at the surface at 100 Ma. (c) Unsteadiness in post-orogenic
Appalachian erosion reconstructed from (a) and expressed as the flux of
eroded rock (left axis) and erosion rate (right axis) for a contributing
basin equal to the modern Atlantic Slope watershed of 300,000 km2
(Pazzaglia and Brandon, 1996). The shaded region under the curve amounts
to 2 km equivalent of rock removed from the Appalachians which
represents all of Cenozoic, and a small portion of the Cretaceous
section shown in the transparent window in (a). Accounting for
dissolution of ~10m/m.y. over the past 100 m.y., 1 km of rock has been
dissolved, added to 2 km of rock by erosion, sums to 3 km of rock
removed in 100 m.y. Thus, the BCT and thermochronologic data agree
in the total amount of post-orogenic erosion; however, even the AHe data
are insensitive to the nearly order of magnitude variation in erosion
unsteadiness in the past 100 Ma. Unsteadiness may be linked to
lithospheric processes like (d) margin flexure (Pazzaglia and Gardner,
2000, BR = Blue Ridge, AE = Allegheny Escarpment, CFA = Cape Fear Arch,
NA = Norfolk Arch, SE = Salisbury Embayment), or (e) geomorphic
unsteadiness in the westward migration of the continental divide (Harbor
and Gunnell, 2007) driven by sub-lithospheric dynamic mantle flow (Forte
et al., 2008; Moucha et al., 2008).
One recent effort has been spearheaded by Ryan McKeon as his Ph.D. work. The maps on the left summarize AHe cooling ages for the Appalachians. The graph on the right are modeled cooling paths for a valley bottom (red) and ridge top (blue) in the Plott Balsams range in the Southern Blue Ridge. We would interpret a growth in relief of this landscape of ~15 m/Ma during the Cretaceous, when the samples experienced different cooling rates. See McKeon et al., 2013 for all data and details.
Our most recent publication follows from the McKeon et
al work and explores the retreat of continental divide through the
Appalachian Mountains using a novel update to the filtering of
topography (Wegmann et al., 2007) to find the regional, tectonic slopes
that control drainage topology.
Pazzaglia, F. J., 1993, Stratigraphy, petrography, and correlation of late Cenozoic middle Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits: Implications for late-stage passive margin geologic evolution, Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull., v.105, p.1617-1634. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Gardner, T. W., 1994, Late Cenozoic flexural deformation of the middle U.S. Atlantic passive margin: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, n. B6, p. 12,143-12,157. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Brandon, M. T., 1996, Macrogeomorphic evolution of the post-Triassic Appalachian Mountains determined by deconvolution of the offshore basin sedimentary record: Basin Research, 8, 255-278. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., Robinson, R., and Traverse, A., 1997, Palynology of the Bryn Mawr Formation (Miocene): Insights on the age and genesis of middle Atlantic margin fluvial deposits: Sedimentary Geology, v. 108, p. 19-44. PDF
F. J. and Gardner, T. W., 2000,
Late Cenozoic large-scale landscape evolution of the U.S. Atlantic
passive margin, in Summerfield, M. ed., Geomorphology and Global
Tectonics: John Wiley, New York, p.283-302. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., 2003, Landscape evolution models, in Gillespie, A. R., Porter, S. C., and Atwater, B. F., eds., The Quaternary Period in the United States: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 247-274, doi:10.1016/S1571-0866(03)01012-1. PDF
Pazzaglia et al, 2006, Rivers, glaciers, landscape evolution and active tectonics of the central Appalachians, Pennsylvania and Maryland: Geological Society of America Field Guide 8, p. 169-197. PDF
Frankel et al., 2007, GSABulletin, Knickpoint evolution in a vertically-bedded substrate, upstream-dipping terraces, and Atlantic Slope bedrock channels. PDFMcKeon, R. E., Zeitler, P. K., Pazzaglia, F. J., Idleman, B. D., and Enkelmann, E., 2013 Decay of an old orogen: Inferences about Appalachian landscape evolution from low-temperature thermochronology: GSABull, doi:10.1130/B30808.1 PDF
Moodie, A. J., Pazzaglia, F. J., and
Berti, C., 2017, Eogenic forcing and autogenic processes on
continental divide location and mobility: Basin Research, 30,
344-369. PDF
(9) RETREAT (REtreating TRench, Extension, and
Accretion Tectonics) CD project Apennines of Northern and Central Italy
EAR-0207980)and related spin-off projects
Summary: The Italian
Apennines offer a great natural laboratory to investigate concurrent
crustal shortening and extension in an uplifted forearc where the basic
geologic and structural relationships are well known. From 2003
through 2008, an interdisciplinary and international geologic, tectonic,
thermochronologic, geodynamic, geomorphic, geophysical, and geodetic
team are focused on understanding the subducted slab rollback process
and it role in creating mountainous topography during or following the
major phase of crustal thickening. The geomorphic experiment
targeted several rivers, particularly the Reno River, where terrace
mapping, fault mapping, geodetics, and cosmogenically-determined ages
and erosion rates demonstrated continued shortening in the Apennine
pro-wedge. This shortening is accommodated by deep underplating
and highly localized thrust and normal faults at shallower crustal
levels both of which are occurring rear of the deformation front.
We continue to test the possibility that deformation has followed this
out-of-sequence behavior because the thrust front has been buried by
Quaternary sediment overfilling the Po foreland, thus reducing the
critical taper of the wedge. The project is now complete, but
collaborations, spin-off, and publications continue. My main
collaborators in this project were, and continue to be Mark Brandon, Sean
Willett, Vincenzo
Picotti, Darryl
Granger, Darrel
Cowan, Martha
Cary Eppes, Karl
Wegmann, Rick
Bennett, Mauro
Coltorti, Francesco
Dramis, Paola
Matteo Spagnolo,
Alessio Ponza, Pier
Paolo Bruno, Alessandra
Ascione, and Mimmo
Left figure: Color DEM of Italy and surrounding sea bathymetry. Middle figure: River terraces preserved along the Reno River near Bologna. Right Figure: Contact between terrace gravel and bedrock.
Left figure: Terrace and fault map for the Reno valley; Middle figure: correlation of deformed strata across the Apennine mountain front near Bologna; Right figure: Colfiorito - the site of the 1997 "Assisi" Earthquake
Interpretation of a high resolution seismic line that we have collected across the Bologna mountain front near Ponte Ronca. We have since reprocessed the data resulting in better reflectors and a new interpretation. A paper describing this line and our findings is in prep.
Terrace map produced by M.S. student Luke Wilson.
Friends, co-workers, and cool places in the Reno valley.
Molin, P., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Dramis, F., 2004, Geomorphic expression of active tectonics in a rapidly-deforming forearc, Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy: American Journal of Science, v. 304, p. 559-589. PDF
Spagnolo, M. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2005, Testing the geological influences on the evolution of river profiles: A case from the northern Apennines (Italy): Geogr. Fi. Dinam. Quat., 28, 103-113. PDF
Frankel, K. L. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2005, Tectonic geomorphology, drainage basin metric, and active mountain fronts: Geogr. Fi. Dinam. Quat., 28, 7-21. PDF
Picotti, V. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2008, A new active tectonic model for the construction of the Northern Apennines mountain front near Bologna (Italy): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB005307. PDF
Eppes, M. C., Bierma, R., Vinson, D., and
Pazzaglia, F. J., 2008, A soil
chronosequence study of the Reno valley, Italy: insights into the
relative role of climate verses anthropogenic forcing on hillslope
processes during the mid-Holocene: Geoderma, 147, 97-107. PDF
Wilson, L., Pazzaglia, F. J., Anastasio, D. J., 2009, A fluvial record of active fault-propagation folding, Salsomaggiore anticline, northern Apennines, Italy: Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi:10.1029/2008JB005984. PDF
Picotti, V., Ponza, A., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2009, Topographic expression of active faults in the foothills of the northern Apennines: Tectonophysics, 474, 285-294. PDF
Wegmann, K. W. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2009,
Late Quaternary fluvial terraces of the Romagna and Marche Apennines,
Italy: Climatic, lithologic, and tectonic controls on terrace genesis in
an active orogen: Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 137-165,
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.10.006. PDF
Ponza, A., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Picotti, V., 2010, Thrust-fold activity at the mountain front of the northern Apennines (Italy) from quantitative landscape analysis: Geomorphology, 123, 211-231. PDF
Bruno, P. P., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Picotti, V., 2011, High-resolution shallow imaging of the northern Apennines mountain front near Bologna, Italy, using wide-aperature shallow seismic reflection data: Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L16302, doi:10.1029/2011GL047828. PDF
Ferraris, F., Firpo, M., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2012, DEM analyses and morphotectonic interpretation: The Plio-Quaternary evolution of the eastern Ligurian Alps, Italy: Geomorphology, doi: 10.1016/j.gemorph.2012.01.009. PDF
DiNaccio, D., Boncio, P., Brozzetti, F., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Lavecchia, G., 2013, Morphotectonic analysis of the Lunigiana and Garfagnana grabens (northern Apennines, Italy): Implications for active normal faulting: Geomorphology, 201, 293-311. PDF
Giachetta, E., Refice, A., Copolongo, D., Gasparini, N., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2014, Orogen-scale drainage network evolution and response to erodibility changes: insights from numerical experiments: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39, 1259-1268. PDF
Summary: The island of Crete rises precipitously out of the south-central Mediterranean Sea to peak elevations of ~ 2400 m. It is the highest-standing part of the Hellenic forearc, and active, north-verging subduction zone accommodating the convergence of Europe and Africa. By all conventional thinking, the forearc should be high-standing because of crustal thickening linked to the convergence. So what are the only faults that can be easily found and described on Crete both high angle and low-angle normal faults? We suspect that the easily mapped faults reflect crustal thinning at shallow levels in response to a deeper-seated inflation driven by underplating. We are in the process of testing this hypothesis through a geomorphic and geodetic study of uplifted marine terraces that tend to be very well preserved along the western and southern coast of the island. We are also investigating the origin of a large earthquake in 365 AD that left a distinct bath-tub ring notch around much of the island. My collaborators with me on this project are Karl Wegmann, Sean Gallen, Mark Brandon, and Babbis Fassoulas.
Marine terraces in Crete are pretty spectacular.
And the gorges are gorgeous.
This is a great figure from the Gallen et al.
2014 paper that shows the tectonic setting of the Crete
forearc high.
Gallen, S. F., Wegmann, K.
W., Bohnenstiehl, Pazzaglia, F. J., Brandon, M. T., and Fassoulas, C.,
2014, Active simultaneous
uplift and margin-normal extension in a forearc high, Crete, Greece:
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 398, 11-24. PDF
Ott, R., Wegmann, K. W., Gallen, S. F., Pazzaglia, F. J., Brandon, M. Kosuke, U., and Fassoulas, C., 2021, Reassessing Eastern Mediterranean tectonics and earthquake hazard from the AD 365 earthquake: AGU Advances, doi:10.1029/2020AV000315.
Summary: There has been an explosion in the industry of "stream restoration" with the emphasis placed on channel reaches that either are aesthetically unpleasing, ecologically dysfunctional, or simply do not contain the desired density of fish. There is another way to approach the interaction of rivers and people and it involves (1) building a deep-time and historic record of channel behavior, (2) documenting channel geometry in the context of the entire watershed, and (3) carefully quantifying how discharge scales with drainage area. We have discovered that the often-cited assumption that discharge scales linearly with drainage area is not true for watersheds under strong urban/suburban development pressure. This is the first indication, to our knowledge for a simple quantitative link between discharge characteristics and land developmental pressure.
These results have lead us to begin
thinking about how carbon is fixed, sequestered, metabolized, and
transported in watersheds. Particularly, we are taking advantage
of natural (virgin) and impacted watersheds in Pennsylvania to develop a
biogeomorphologic model of these fluxes and processes. My collaborators on these projects are Josh
Galster, Chris
Dempsey, Patrick Belmont, Don Morris, Bruce
Hargreaves, Ben
Felzer, and Steve
Galster et al., 2006, Effects of urbanization on watershed hydrology: The scaling of discharge with drainage area: Geology, v. 34, p. 713-716. PDF
Galster, J. C., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Germanoski, D.,
2008, Measuring the impacts of
watershed urbanization on channel widths using historic aerial
photographs and modern surveys: JAWRA, 44, 1-13. PDF
Belmont, P., Morris, D. P., Pazzaglia, F. J., and Peters, S. C., 2009, Penetration of ultraviolet radiation in streams of eastern Pennsylvania: Topographic controls and the role of suspended particulates: Aquatic Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00027-009-9120-7. PDF
Dempsey, C. M.,
Morris, D. P., Pazzaglia, F. J., Peters, S. C., and O'Connor, B.,
submitted, Linking soils to streams: Using organic carbon age and
dissolved organic carbon biolability during storm events:
Summary: I have a long-standing interest in Rocky Mountain Geology and Geomorphology and continue to participate in many projects, many of which are unfunded, but nevertheless continue to interest students. I have some key partners in this research at the University of New Mexico. I also am piggy-backing some of this research on my yearly migration west for Lehigh Field Camp. The research is being conducted in New Mexico (Rio Grande rift), Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, (including Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks).
The Rio Grande rift is one of only a handful of continental rifts in the world. The rift flanks and basin fill are very well exposed providing an outstanding natural laboratory for the study of active tectonics, tectonic geomorphology, and Neogene basin stratigraphy. These research topics have a broad general interest and important applied overtones as they pertain directly to issues that affect people. A large percentage of the population base in the American Southwest lives on or around the Rio Grande - one of the few perennial water sources. The tectonic evolution of the rift has controlled the architecture and hydrology of the aquifer that supplies large cities like Albuquerque, NM. Only through and integration of the geomorphology, paleontology, and sedimentology of the basin fill have we finally begun to get a handle on the complex rift-basin stratigraphy. Further studies, some of which are in progress, are beginning to characterize the seismic hazards of having large population centers in this tectonically active setting.
a photograph of a Quaternary fault scarp on the Borrego Canyon Road on
Zia Pueblo. The fault is just one of many that strike generally
north-south along the western flank of the rift. Although there
are no written or oral traditions which speak to seismic activity in
this region, the fault clearly cuts Quaternary gravels thought to be
middle Pleistocene age. Perhaps the recurrence times for these
faults exceed the history of continuous human occupation for this region
which is at least 1000 yrs.
a photograph of La Ceja (the eyebrow), an imposing north-facing
escarpment where the basin fill which comprises the aquifer beneath
Albuquerque is well-exposed. Several years of mapping and detailed
sedimentologic and stratigraphic work has brought us alot closer to
understanding the geomorphic and sedimentologic response to
tectonics. This understanding lies at the core of current and
future studies which are aimed at providing the answers to how to
effectively manage a dwindling ground water resource as the population
base of the rift continues to grow. One of the important
accomplishments of this collaborative research between UNM, the New
Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, the U.S. Geological
Survey, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Pueblos of Jemez
and Zia has been a redefinition of the basin fill stratigraphy..
Here are some great views of the Jemez valley where the successive mapping of John Rogers, Merri Lisa Formento-Trigilio, Kurt Frankel, and Amanda Ault have defined a wonderful terrace stratigraphy. The relationship of the correlated terrace profiles (if we've done it right, we are still learning!) to the river long profile reveals the complex interactions between base level fall, climate-induced changes in stream concavity, and Jemez caldera uplift.
Field work in Montana includes investigations of the active range front fault of the Tendoy Mountains, shown here crossing Big Sheep Creek (upper photo), a great base camp up McKnight Canyon (left), and river terraces along Big Sheep Creek (right).
Wind River Range in western Wyoming. I am interested in working on the age and genesis of the sub-summit surface and linking its origin to the Green River basin stratigraphy.
Recently, as a class project, a group of graduate students tackled the subject of dynamic topography and used Yellowstone as the key example of epeirogenic uplift and its geomorphic expression. That project resulted in a publication (Wegmann et al., 2007) and has spurred our interest to continue pursuing our understanding of crustal deformation processes away from plate boundaries.
Here are the results of a follow-up study where we shot a reflection line across the Centennial Valley, with P.Paolo Bruno and Claudio Berti.
(Left) Location of reflection line across the central Centennial Valley in the context of the local geology and tectonics. (Right) Depth-migrated reflection profile, similarity attribute, energy attribute, and stratigraphic interpretation.
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Wells, S. G., 1990, Quaternary
stratigraphy, soils, and geomorphology of the northern Rio Grande rift:
New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 41, 423-430. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Kelley, S. A., 1998, Large-scale geomorphology and fission-track thermochronology in topographic and exhumation reconstructions of the southern Rocky Mountains, in Karlstrom, ed., Lithospheric evolution of the Rocky Mountains: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 33, n.2, p. 229-257. PDF
Karlstrom, K. E. et al., including Pazzaglia, F. J., 2002, Structure and Evolution of the Lithosphere Beneath the Rocky Mountains: Initial Results from the CD-ROM Experiment: GSAToday, v. 12, n. 3, p. 4-10. PDF
Koning, D. J., Connell, S. D., Pazzaglia, F. J., and
McIntosh, W. C., 2002,
Redefinition of the Ancha Formation and Pliocene-Pleistocene deposition
in the Santa Fe embayment, north-central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology,
v. 24, n. 3., p. 75-87. PDF
Roy, M., Kelley, S. A., Pazzaglia, F. J., Cather, S., and House, M., 2004, Middle Tertiary buoyancy modification and its relationship to rock exhumation, cooling, and subsequent extension at the eastern margin of the Colorado Plateau: Geology, v. 32, p. 925-928. PDF
Harkins, N. W., Anastasio, D. J., and Pazzaglia, F.
J., 2005, Tectonic
geomorphology of the Red Rock fault, insights into segmentation and
landscape evolution of a developing range front normal fault: Journal of
Structural Geology, v. 27, p. 1925-1939. PDF
Regalla, C. A., Anastasio, D. J., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2007,
Characterization of the Monument Hill Fault system and implications for
the active tectonics of the Red Rock Valley, southwestern Montana:
Journal of Structural Geology, 29, 1339-1352. PDF
Frankel, K. L. and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2006, Mountain fronts, base level fall, and landscape evolution: Insights from the southern Rocky Mountains, in Willett, S. D., Hovius, N., Brandon, M. T., and Fisher, D. eds., Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, p. 419-434 PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J. and Hawley, J. W., 2004, Neogene (rift flank) and Quaternary geology and Geomorphology in, Mack, G. and Giles, K., eds., The Geology of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication 11, Albuquerque, NM, p. 407-437. PDF PDF
Wegmann, K. W., Zureck, B. D., Regalla, C. A., Bilardello, D., Wolleburg, J. L., Kopczynski, S. E., Ziemann, J. M., Haight, S. L., Apgar, J. D., Zhao, C., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2007, Position of the Snake River watershed divide as an indicator of geodynamic processes in the greater Yellowstone region, western North America: Geosphere, v. 3, p. 272-281. PDF
Anastasio, D. J., Majerowicz, C. N., Pazzaglia, F. J.,
and Regalla, C. A., 2010, Late
Pleistocene – Holocene ruptures of the Lima Reservoir fault, SW Montana:
Journal of Structural Geology, 32, 1996-2008,
doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.08.012. PDF
Pazzaglia, F. J., 2005, River responses to Ice Age (Quaternary) climates in New Mexico, in Lucas, S. G., Morgan, G. S., and Zeigler, K. E., eds., New Mexico’s Ice Ages: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin No 28., p. 115-124. PDF
Bruno, P. P., Berti, C., and Pazzaglia, F. J., 2019, Accommodation, slip inversion, and fault segmentation in a province-scale shear zone from high-resolution, densely spaced wide-aperture seismic profiling, Centennial Valley, MT, USA: Scientific Reports, 9:9214,
Geologic mapping has always been a important part of my research and the research of my students. All of the above projects have strong mapping components. In addition, we have begun a pilot project to link geologic mapping with broader educational and public outreach goals in mind. Through cooperation and funding with STATEMAP and EDMAP programs, we have mapped Lehigh Gorge State Park (PA) and developed a web, inquiry-based, interactive, educational exercise that can be used by middle school science teachers in an Earth Science curriculum. I current am doing most of my mapping in collaboration with Dave Anastasio and his students, Claudio Berti, and Mark Carter. The central Virginia seismic zone has been the focus of my most recent mapping efforts.
Example of a surficial geologic map of river terraces, Clearwater River, Washington State. Mapping by Karl Wegmann, see Wegmann and Pazzaglia, 2002.
Ponderosa, New Mexico 7.5 minute
quadrangle surficial geologic map draped on digital shaded
topography. Mapping by Kurt Frankel. See
Frankel, 2002. Full
of the surficial geologic map of the Ferncliff and Pendleton 7.5 minute
quadrangles, mapped by M.S. student Helen Malenda for
EDMAP Project G13AC0015.
Click here for the final report and map.
Click here for the Burton et al bedrock
and surficial map