The American Myth of Success: A Film Guide: Filmography -- about 300 films listed with brief annotations -- on perhaps the central American myth.   (7/97, rev 3/98, 30 pps.)

Early American Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Material: A large major bibliography of print material on the field broken down into over two dozen categories.  (first posted 1998)

The Enola Gay Controversy:  chronological list of documents regarding the controversy over the proposed Smithsonian exhibition on the Enola Gay to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Multicultural American Studies: Filmography of local media resources at Lehigh to support multicultural literature and film courses.  (1/96, rev. 9/97, 25 pps.).

Teaching Early American Topics: Resource page for the Society of Early Americanists -- contains a syllabus exchange as well as other teaching resources.

Theodore De Bry's Illustrations for Bartolome de Las Casas's Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies: 20 images.
