Early American Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Material


(Call numbers are to the Lehigh University library )

Baum, Rosalie Murphy.  "Early-American Literature: Reassessing the Black Contribution."   Eighteenth-Century Studies 27.4 (1994): 533-50.   (805 E34)

Bruns, Roger, ed.  Am I Not a Man and a Brother: The Antislavery Crusade of Revolutionary  America, 1688-1788.  New York: Chelsea, 1977.   (322.44097 A478)

Carretta, Vincent, ed.  Unchained Voices: An Anthology of Black Authors in the English-  Speaking World of the Eighteenth Century.  Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1996.   (820.80896 U54)

Curtin, Philip D., ed.  Africa Remembered: Narratives by West Africans from the Era of the  Slave Trade.  Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1967.   (966 C978a)

Davis, David Brion.  The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823.  Ithaca:  Cornell UP, 1975.   (326 D261pa)

---.  The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture.  Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1966.   (326 D261p)

Dudley, William, ed.  Slavery: Opposing Viewpoints.  San Diego: Greenhaven, 1992.   (973.0496 S631)

Frost, J. William.  "The Origins of the Quaker Crusade against Slavery: A Review of Recent  Literature."  Quaker History 67.1 (1978): 42-58.    (not at Lehigh)

---, ed.  Quaker Origins of Antislavery.  Norwood: Norwood Editions, 1980.   (not at Lehigh)

Horton, James Oliver, and Lois E. Horton.  In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Community, and Protest  among Northern Free Blacks, 1700-1860.  New York: Oxford UP, 1997.   (973.049607 H823i )

Jackson, Blyden.   The Long Beginning,1746-1895.  Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1989.  Vol. 1 of A History of Afro-American Literature.   (810.9896 J12h)

Jordan, Winthrop D.  White over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812.   Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1968.   (301.451 J82w)

McKitrick, Eric L.  Slavery Defended: The Views of the Old South.  Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall, 1963.   (326.7 M217s)

Morgan, Edmund S.  American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia.   New York: Norton, 1975.   (975.502 M847a)

Mullin, Gerald W.  Flight and Rebellion: Slave Resistance in Eighteenth-Century Virginia.  New  York: Oxford UP, 1972.   (326.973 M959f)

Parish, Peter J.  Slavery: History and Historians.  New York: Harper & Row, 1989.   (973.0496 P233s)

Piersen, William D.  From Africa to America: African American History from the Colonial Era  to the Early Republic, 1526-1790.  New York: Twayne, 1996.   (973.049607 P624f )

Porter, Dorothy.  Early Negro Writing, 1760-1837.  1971.  Baltimore: Black Classics P, 1995.   (not at Lehigh)

Potkay, Adam, and Sandra Burr, eds.  Black Atlantic Writers of the 18th Century: Living the  New Exodus in England and the Americas.  New York: St. Martin's, 1995.   (820.80896 B6271)

Raboteau, Albert J.  Slave Religion: The Invisible Institution in the Antebellum South.  New  York: Oxford UP, 1971.   (299.6 R116s)

Sensbach, Jon F.  "Charting a Course in Early African-American History."  William and Mary Quarterly 50.2 (1993): 394-405.   (973.05 W728)

Sobel, Mechal.  The World They Made Together: Black and White Values in Eighteenth-Century Virginia.  Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987.   (975.5 S677w)

Thornton, John Kelly.  Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1680.   New York: Cambridge UP, 1992.   (303.4826 T513a)

Tise, Larry E.  Proslavery: A History of the Defense of Slavery in America, 1701-1840.    Athens: U of Georgia P, 1987.   (973.0496 T613p)

Wood, Peter H.  Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the  Stono Rebellion.  New York: Knopf, 1974.   (975.702 W878b).

Wright, Donald R.  African Americans in the Colonial Era: From African Origins through the  American Revolution.  Arlington Heights: Harlan Davidson, 1990.   (973.049607 W948af )

---.  African Americans in the Early Republic, 1789-1831.  Arlington Heights: Harlan Davidson,  1993.   (973.049607 W948a )

Zimbardo, Rose, and Benilde Montgomery, eds.  African-American Culture in the Eighteenth  Century.  Spec. issue of Eighteenth-Century Studies 27:4 (1994): 527-692.   (805 E34). 

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