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America by Johannes Stradanus:  Analysis of a late 16th century image of first European contact with America -- Vespucci awakens a sleeping America, represented by a naked woman (12/97, 10 pps.).

The Computer Conference: Asynchronous Writing: Detailed description of how to use the conference board in classes, aimed at new teachers.  Now included in the Composition with Computers anthology under Class Projects.  (5/97, 45 pps.)

Review of Ellen Ullman, Close to the Machine: Technophilia and its Discontents (City Lights Books, 1997) for The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.  Choose May 1999 at the main menu.  ( 8 pps.)

" 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God': Some Unfinished Business": An essay on the Jonathan Edwards' sermon.  (7/99)


The American Myth of Success: A Film Guide: Filmography -- about 300 films listed with brief annotations -- on perhaps the central American myth (7/97, rev 3/98, 30 pps.).

Early American Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Material: A large major bibliography of print material on the field broken down into over two dozen categories.  (first posted 1998)

The Enola Gay Controversy Chronology:  chronological list of documents regarding the controversy over the proposed Smithsonian exhibition on the Enola Gay to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Multicultural American Studies: Videography of local media resources at Lehigh to support multicultural literature and film courses (1/96, rev. 9/97, 25 pps.).

Teaching Early American Topics:  Resource page for the Society of Early Americanists: contains a syllabus exchange as well as other teaching resources.

Theodore De Bry's Illustrations for Bartolome de Las Casas's Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies : 20 images

Web Resources for Early American Literature: A BeginningA large major webography.  Over 500 items.  (first posted 1999)


Composition with Computers: Lehigh's Epiphany Project, edited by Janet Wright Starner.  The collection of essays from the "Composition with Computers" class (English 491) in Spring 1997.  Introductory and concluding essays by Starner, others by Sheila Bauer- Gatsos, Edward J. Gallagher, Jennifer Goldfarb, Harold William Halbert, Tamara Kendig, and John R. Woznicki.

The Enola Gay Controversy Chronology:  chronological list of documents regarding the controversy over the proposed Smithsonian exhibition on the Enola Gay to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.

"The Gigantic Question" in Washington Irving's History of New York:Class project for Early American Literature (English 376), Spring 1999.  Group effort by: Mike Ahearn, Edward Gallagher, Steve Gourley, Gregg Hilzer, Terry Su.

Images of Native America: From Columbus to Carlisle:  The collection of essays from the Fall 1997 "America's Many Beginnings" class (Engl ish 471).  Essays by Thomas Bierowski, Harry J. Brown, Tracey A. Cummings, Edward J. Gallagher, Barbara Lee, Jennifer Marshall, Celia J. Shiffer, and Stephen Tompkins.

Oliver Stone's America:  Course project for a College of Arts and Sciences Freshman Seminar (English 90), Spring 1999.

Reel American History:  In Fall 1999 a 15-student senior seminar (Engl 290) began an archive on films and American history that will grow over time as other classes contribute.  A course in Spring 2000, for instance, will add some films about early America.  The site is very, very much a draft under construction as of this writing (1/00).