Hills of Lehigh Hills of Lehigh

Note: Some of the mileages approximate, since when I previewed the ride my pen ran out of ink. I had to scratch the rough draft cue sheet with my car key to change mileages, and sometimes I couldn't read it afterwards. Turns should be correct, though.


Mile Dir Road Note


Head East past Stabler Bathrooms in Rauch Field House on R, or in Stabler

0.6 R@T Creek

1.25 L@T Friedensville

1.4 R Main This is where we get into Hellertown

1.6 next L Penn

1.7 BC Durham

2 BL Wassergass

2.6 L TSO Wassergass Hill, top @ 3.5

5.2 BR Bergstresser Dr Hill, top @ 5.5

6 L Drifting Dr.

6.4 BC Wassergas Different Spelling?

8.3 L Buttermilk HILL

8.7 R Hexenkopf Top of hill

10.2 X Morgan

BC Springfield

10.4 L@T Raubsville

11 R Kressman DANGERUS downhill after ``Rough Road'' sign

12 R@T Coffeetown

12.2 L Bougher Hill Rd Hill

13.2 R@T County Line

14.6 L Stout's Valley

15 R Spring Hill

15.7 L Dunham

16.5 R@T Old Furnace

Imm L Coon Hollow Hill

18.2 R@T Lennenberg

18.5 L Gallows Hill

19.5 L Hunter

20 X 412, Jog L-R

BC School

20.5 R Maple

21 L Mink

22.6 BR Winding

23 L@T Bursonville

Imm R Grouse Gravel


Mile Dir Road Note

23.5 R@T Knecht's Bridge Careful on bridge

24 R@T Slifer Valley

24.4 L Hickory

26 R@T 212/412

29 L Lower Saucon

35 BL@T Valley View

35.1 BL Applebutter

39 L@T Shimersville Bethlehem Steel

39.5 R 4th Street

40.5 L@light State Light at bottom of hill

R 5th

40.8 L@T Taylor

40.9 R@T Packer

41 L University Lehigh U., Hill begins

41.1 R@T Memorial Dr

Imm L Univ. Drive

BR ? Up Hill, of course

41.4 R Taylor Green Gates, Up Hill again

Imm R ? Guess what, up hill

41.5 BL Lower Sayer Park Road Don't be fooled by the name

42 R Lookout Up, again

42.3 L@T Upper Sayer Park Levels off a bit

42.4 R@T Mountain Drive Steeper

42.5 BL Mountain Drive Don't head towards Channel 39

42.7 BR Mountain Dr. South At summit

43.5 L Parking Lot ``F''

[Quick Cue-Sheet Key:]L=turn left, R=turn the other left, CS=continue straight, BL=bear left, BR=bare right, X=cross (as in an intersection), L@T=turn left when the road ``T''s into another, Imm R= turn right almost immediately. Mileages marked with a ``'' are rough guesses based on the map and my last real measurement.
[Ride Leader:]David Johnson. I will have my cell-phone on during the ride, so you can call at (610) 506-6919 if you get lost.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.61.
On 6 Apr 2000, 06:34.