Hyperbolic functions sound like they ought to be some great new idea, but they aren't. There are certain rules that they satisfy similarly to rules for trig functions (with a twist), but it's not really a big deal. So they satisfy identities similar to trig functions? That doesn't make them as important as trig functions.
However, you will see these things mentioned from time to time, so we so have to get the definitions straight.
Definition 1
The hyperbolic sine function is the function sinh(x) , which
is expressed as:
That's it. The hyperbolic cosine function is the function coshx
which is expressed as:
sinh(x) : =
cosh(x) : =
Now, the rest of the hyperbolic functions are defined as in real trigonometry: tanh(x): = sinh(x)/cosh(x) , sech(x): = 1/cosh(x) , etc.
There are formulas similar to trig functions that do hold:
If this isn't enough, there are inverses, too. However, from the point of view
of calculus, even the trigonometric inverses weren't all that interesting, except
that the derivatives were more basic functions. So, these shouldn't be interesting
(in calculus) either, unless they provide new formulas. But they don't (at least,
none that can't be easily found other ways). However, there is an odd collection
of results: these inverses can be written easily in terms of functions we already
know, such as:
Copyright (c) 2000 by David L. Johnson.