NATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOClATION CONVENTION, LINCOLN HALL, WASHINGTON, D.C., JANUARY 16-17, 1873, RESOLUTIONS. RESOLVED, That the present attempts in our courts, by a false construction of the National Constitution, to exalt all men as sovereigns, and degrade all women as slaves, is to establish the most odious form of aristocracy known in the civilized world -- that of sex. RESOLVED, That women are "persons" and "citizens," possessed of all the legal qualifications of voters in the several States -- age, property, and education -- and by the XIV. Amendment of the National Constitution have been secured the right of suffrage. RESOLVED, That it is the duty of Congress, by appropriate legislation, to protect women in their exercise of this right. RESOLVED, That women are citizens, first of the United States, and second of the States and Territories wherein they reside; hence we claim National protection of our inalienable rights, against all State authority. RESOLVED, That States may regulate all local questions of property, taxation, etc., but the inalienable personal rights of citizenship must be declared by the Constitution, interpreted by the Supreme Court, protected by Congress, and enforced by the arm of the Executive. RESOLVED, That the criminal prosecution of Susan B. Anthony by the United States, for the alleged crime of exercising the citizen's right of suffrage, is an act of arbitrary authority, unconstitutional, and a blow at the liberties of every citizen of this nation.