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Dingledine, Donald.
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Bethany Schneider. 14.1 (1997): 59-63.
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Bethany Schneider. 14.1 (1997): 59-63.
"Reading the 19th-Century, Writing the 21st." (Conference Notes) Margaret Ervin, Joyce
Hinnefeld, Catherine Sustana. 15.1 (1998): 35-44.
Faery, Rebecca Blevins.
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(1993): 103-19.
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14.1 (1997): 59-63.
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"Nineteenth-Century American Novel: A Revised Syllabus." 1.1 (1984): 6.
Fetterley, Judith and Susan K. Harris.
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"On 'Reading New Readings of Regionalism.'" 15.1 (1998): 45-52.
Fichtelberg, Joseph.
"Heart-felt Verities: The Feminism of Martha Meredith Read." 15.2 (1998): 125-128.
Finch, Annie.
"The Sentimental Poetess in the World: Metaphor and Subjectivity in Lydia Sigourney's
Nature Poetry." 5.2 (1988): 3-18.
Fisher, Beth.
"The Captive Mexicana and the Desiring Bourgeois Woman: Domesticity and Expansionism in
Ruiz de Burton's Who Would Have Thought It ?" 16.1 (1999): 59-69.
Fisher-Wirth, Ann W.
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Fisk, Rosemary Mims.
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Fisken, Beth Wynne.
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"Within the Limits of Alice Brown's 'Dooryards': Introspective Powers in Tiverton Tales." 5.1
(1988): 15-25.
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15.2 (1998): 188-203.
Fulton, DoVeanna S.
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Gardner, Eric.
"Stowe Takes the Stage: Harriet Beecher Stowe's The Christian Slave ." 15.1 (1998): 78-84.
Gemme, Paola.
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Gilman, Charlotte Perkins.
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Glasser, Leah Blatt.
"LEGACY Profile: Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, 1852-1930." 4.1 (1987): 37-45.
Gollin, Rita K.
"LEGACY Profile: Annie Adams Fields, 1834-1915." 4.1 (1987): 27-36.
Goodman, Susan.
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Gossett, Suzanne, and Barbara Ann Bardes.
"Women and Political Power in the Republic: Two Early American Novels." 2.2 (1985): 13-30.
Graulich, Melody.
"LEGACY Profile: Mary Hallock Foote, 1847-1938." 3.2 (1986): 43-52.
Griffin, Susan M.
"'The Dark Stranger': Sensationalism and Anti-Catholicism in Sarah Josepha Hale's
Traits of American Life ." 14.1 (1997): 13-24.
Groves, Jeffrey D.
"LEGACY Profile: Carolyn Wells, c. 1862-1942." 13.2 (1996): 142-151.
"LEGACY Profile: Maria Gowen Brooks, c. 1795-1845." 12.1 (1995): 38-46.
Hall, Joan Wylie.
"LEGACY Profile: Ruth McEnery Stuart, 1849-1917." 10.1 (1993): 47-56.
Harris, Sharon M.
"Afterword." 16.1 (1999): 132-99.
"LEGACY Profile: Judith Sargeant Murray, 1751-1820." 11.2 (1994): 152-160.
"Rebecca Harding Davis: A Continuing Misattribution." 5.1 (1988): 33-34.
"Redefining the Feminine: Women and Work in Rebecca Harding Davis's 'In the Market.'" 8.2
(1991): 118-121.
Harris, Susan K.
"The House that Hagar Built: Houses and Heroines in E.D.E.N. Southworth's The Deserted Wife ."
4.2 (1987): 17-29.
Harris, Susan K. and Judith Fetterley.
"Introduction: 'Gathering Notes.'" 15.1 (1998): 1-9.
Henderson, Carol E.
"Borderlands: The Critical Matrix of Caste, Class, and Color in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl ."
16.1 (1999): 49-48.
Hernandez, Ines.
"Sara Estela Ramirez: Sembradora." 6.1 (1989): 13-26.
Hersey, Eleanor.
"'I am not a Monster': Homophobia, Nostalgia, and Edith Wharton's The Buccaneers ." 16.2 (1999): 177-192.
Higonnet, Margaret R.
"Comparative Reading: Catharine M. Sedgwick's Hope Leslie ." 15.1 (1998): 17-22.
Hinnefeld, Joyce.
"19th-Century American Women Writers in the 21st Century." (Conference Notes) Judith Fetterley,
Catherine Sustana, Margaret Ervin, Joyce Hinnefeld, Donald Dingledine, Bethany Schneider. 14.1
(1997): 59-63.
Hinnefeld, Joyce, Margaret Ervin, and Catherine Sustana.
"On 'Reading New Readings of Regionalism.'" 15.1 (1998): 45-52.
Hoffman, Nicole Tonkovich.
"LEGACY Profile: Sarah Josepha Hale, 1788-1874." (1990): 47-55.
See also Tonkovich, Nicole.
Holland, Patricia G.
"LEGACY Profile: Lydia Marie Child, 1802-1880." 5.2 (1988): 45-53.
Hovet, Grace Ann, and Theodore R. Hovet.
"Identity Development in Susan Warner's The Wide, Wide World : Relationship, Performance, and
Construction." 8.1 (1991): 3-16.
Hughes, Gertrude Reif.
"Subverting the Cult of Domesticity: Emily Dickinson's Critique of Women's Work." 3.1
(1986): 17-28.
Jay, Gregory.
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Jaycox, Faith.
"Regeneration Through Liberation: Mary Austin's 'The Walking Woman' and the Western Narrative
Formula." 6.1 (1989): 5-12.
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Jones, Jill.
"The Disappearing 'I' in Our Nig ." (1996): 38-53.
Juhasz, Suzanne.
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Karcher, Carolyn L.
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Keetley, Dawn E.
"Unsettling the Frontier: Gender and Racial Identity in Caroline Karcher's A New Home,
Who'll Follow? and Forest Life ." 12.1 (1995): 17-36.
Kelley, Mary.
"LEGACY Profile: Catharine Maria Sedgwick, 1789-1867." 6.2 (1989): 43-50.
"A Past for the Present: Notes on the Archives." 1.2 (1984): 7-8.
Kessler, Carol Farley.
"Notes Toward A Bibliography: Women's Utopian Writing, 1836-1899." 2.2 (1985): 67-71.
"LEGACY Profile: Elizabeth Stuart Phelps [Ward], 1844-1911." 1.2 (1984): 3-5.
Koch, Lisa M.
"Bodies as Stage Props: Enacting Hysteria in the Diaries of Charlotte Forten Grimke and
Alice James." 15.1 (1998): 59-64.
Lauter, Paul.
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Levernier, James A.
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Cooke's Fiction." 10.1 (1993): 31-46.
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McCabe, Tracy.
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" Salt of the Earth : Women, Class, and the Utopian Imagination." 16.1 (1999): 120-131.
Pryse, Marjorie and Judith Fetterley.
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Rabinowitz, Paula.
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Slade's Novels." 16.1 (1999): 106-119.
Reep, Diana C.
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Reichardt, Mary R.
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Romines, Ann.
"Nineteenth-Century Reading and Twentieth-Century Texts: The Example of Laura Ingalls Wilder."
15.1 (1998): 23-28.
Rose, Jane Atteridge.
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Saje, Natasha.
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Stowe's Dred ." 15.2 (1998): 158-170.
Sale, Maggie Montesinos.
"Reconceptualizing America." 15.1 (1998): 29-34.
Scheiber, Andrew J.
"An Unknown Infrastructure: Gender, Production, and Aesthetic Exchange in
Rebecca Harding Davis's 'Life in the Iron Mills.' " 11.2 (1994): 101-117.
Schneider, Bethany.
"19th-Century American Women Writers in the 21st Century." (Conference Notes)
Judith Fetterley, Catherine Sustana, Margaret Ervin, Joyce Hinnefeld, Donald Dingledine,
Bethany Schneider. 14.1 (1997): 59-63.
Scholnick, Robert J.
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15.2 (1998): 213-220..
Schultz, Jane E.
"Embattled Care: Narrative Authority in Louisa May Alcott's Hospital Sketches." 9.2
(1992): 104-18.
Senier, Siobhan.
"LEGACY Profile: Victoria Howard, ca. 1865-1930." 14.1 (1997): 51-58.
Smith, Karen.
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Sorisio, Carolyn.
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of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself ." 13.1 (1996): 1-18.
Spack, Ruth.
"Re-visioning Sioux Women: Zitkala-Sa's Revolutionary American Indian Stories ." 14.1
(1997): 25-42.
Spencer, Stacy L.
"LEGACY Profile: Caroline Kirkland, 1801-1864." 8.2 (1991): 133-140.
Stanesa, Jamie.
"LEGACY Profile: Caroline Lee Whiting Hentz, 1800-1856." 13.1 (1996): 130-141.
Steinberg, Stacy A.
" 'Unexpected and Inconvenient Notice': Domestic Entrapment and Servant Infidelity in
The Coopers and Live and Let Live ." 15.1 (1998): 85-91.
Stetson, See Gilman.
Stern, Julia.
"To Relish and To Spew: Disgust as Cultural Critique in The Journal of Madam Knight."
14.1 (1997): 1-12.
Stewart, Veronica.
"The Wild Side of The Wide, Wide World." 11.1 (1994): 1-16.
Stoddard, Elizabeth Barstow.
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Sustana, Catherine.
"19th-Century American Women Writers in the 21st Century." (Conference Notes)
Judith Fetterley, Catherine Sustana, Margaret Ervin, Joyce Hinnefeld, Donald Dingledine,
Bethany Schneider. 14.1 (1997): 59-63.
Sustana, Catherine, Margaret Ervin, and Joyce Hinnefeld.
"Reading the 19th Century, Writing the 21st." 15.1 (1998): 35-44.
Swift, John N.
"Narration and the Maternal 'Real' in Sapphira and the Slave Girl." 9.1 (1992): 23-34.
Therrien, Kathleen.
"'Why Do They Have To...To...Say Things...?': Poverty, Class, and Gender in Betty Smith's
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ." 16.1 (1999): 93-105.
Tompkins, Jane.
"LEGACY Profile: Susan Warner, 1819-1885." 2.1 (1985): 1, 14-15.
Tonkovich, Nicole.
"Traveling in the West, Writing in the Library: Margaret Fuller's Summer on the Lakes ."
10.2 (1993): 79-102.
See also Hoffman, Nicole Tonkovich.
Torsney, Cheryl B.
"In Anticipation of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Woolson House." 2.2 (1985): 72-73.
" 'Miss Grief' by Constance Fenimore Woolson: Introduction." 4.1 (1987): 11-13.
"The Strange Case of the Disappearing Woolson Memorabilia." 11.2 (1994): 143-151.
Toth, Emily.
"Crisis Alert: Kate Chopin House in St. Louis." 2.1 (1985): 13.
Turner, Elizabeth A.
"LEGACY Profile: Louise Pound, 1872-1958." (1992): 59-64.
Ungar, Cara-Lynn.
"Discourses of Class and the New Jewish Working Woman in Anzia Yezierska's Arrogant
Beggar ." 16.1 (1999): 82-92.
Walker, Cheryl.
"Ina Coolbrith and the Nightingale Tradition." 6.1 (1989): 27-33.
"LEGACY Profile: Frances Osgood, 1811-1850." 1.2 (1984): 5-6.
"LEGACY Profile: Rose Terry Cooke, 1827-1892." 9.2 (1992): 143-50.
Warren, Joyce W.
"Fanny Fern's Rose Clark ." 8.2 (1991): 92-103.
"LEGACY Profile: Fanny Fern, 1811-1872." 2.2 (1985): 54-58.
Washington, Mary Helen.
"Anna Julia Cooper: The Black Feminist Voice of the 1890s." 4.2 (1987): 3-15.
Weimer, Joan Myers.
"Women Artists as Exiles in the Fiction of Constance Fenimore Woolson." 3.2 (1986): 3-15.
Whitaker, Rosemary.
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White, Barbara A.
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Williams, Cynthia Schoolar.
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Winter, Kate H.
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